Yᴏᴜʀ ᴛʏᴘᴇ

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"So Niki do you have any plan for them to start talking with each other?" Jake asked and Jay smirked."Of course i do and that is gonna be fun." Sunoo shakes his head."He is the clown of the class along with his friend,Maya." Younghun chuckled.

"Uwuu there he is." Sunoo said as Jungwon walk in with his usual poker face and sit beside Niki and raised his eyebrow at him."Whats wrong with you today?" Niki shrugged and looked at Maya.

"She is sleeping rn." Maya mouthed at Niki and he nodded."Class! First subjects until recess we are free as all teachers having a meeting today." All of them cheering.

Well even tho that class is the top they acted like they are in the last class so yeah its normal.

Great. Niki smirked and Maya laughed.

"So since teachers not here how about we play some games." Kai suggest and All of them agreed."What is it?" Dahyun asked."Savage debut." Jungwon rolled his eyes.

"Lets do it." Doyoung the class president said with a smiled and everyone stay silent."The first round for this is gonna be Sunoo and Yuna." All of them cheered but Sunoo disagree same with Yuna."We can't!! How about Jungwon and Y/n?" All of them shouted and agreed at him while Jungwon glared at Sunoo.

"Y/n wake up.Wake up!"

"What do you want Maya!" You groans and she laughed."Sit here and listen." You whining and do what she ask.

"In my opinion sun is an actually a planet you know." Niki smirked and you glared at him."Well guess what your opinion is sucks,sun is a freaking star you dumbass its not a planet." Niki clicked his tongue.He always knew how to push your button and Jungwon

"Don't be such a dramatic ass Y/n its just a sun." Jungwon spat at you.

Things will get spicier.Believe me,they just wanted to see you both fight cause its cute and smart?

"Oh really? This topic related to science you dumb dumb." You rolled your eyes and Jungwon scoffs making you looked at him in fury."Then why are your marks 95?" He smirked and you raised your eyebrow."Never thought you acknowledge my marks so why do you care? Besides i'm in netball tournament that time,learning the whole syllabus in just two days before exam is not easy." You crossed your leg and smirked.

"So i heard you and Yunjin is dating,is it true?" Niki raised his eyebrow amd everyone turned their attention to you.

Jungwon clenched his teeth but got unnoticed by them since he is good covering his feelings.

As soon as You were about to replied.

"Who wants to date this girl?" Jungwon scoffs and you raised your eyebrow."Why is that? Didn't you've been dating Onna since last year." You looked at him and see he is tensed.

"Who spread those rumour?" He glared at you and you shrugged off clearly didnt look afraid at him."Those rumour is ain't true." He hissed and you looked at him."So what?"

"May your chocolate chip cookies will always be raisin." He looked at you and you raised your eyebrow at him.

"Oh yeah? May your five years old neighbor have their violin lessons during all of your hangover." You spat back making them choked in laughter.

The spatting word competition has begun.

"Well i think captain america is better than iron man." He smirked and you rise from your seat."i will kick your ass so hard your vertebrae pop out of your mouth one by one." He raised his eyebrow."You're too...........................

short to even reach my ass.How about i back ride you?" He smirked and you huffed."No thanks i prefer piggy back ride with Yunjin." You looked at your nails.

Jungwon cursing mentally.

"Stop mentioning about that guy." He glared at you and you smiled."Why? I do what i want Wonie." He scoffs and looked at you dead serious."I am better than him." Niki laughed silently with Maya."Tell me." You lean back.

"Because i'm more handsome,smart,tall,built body,gentlemen and everything your type dumbass." He spat and you blushed,he smirked in victory.

"Oh yeah? Atleast he isn't clumsy like you stupid.How many times do i have to say not put my name in your emergency contact." You said.

"You did the same too,don't tryna cover it up by saying i'm the only one." He glared.

"How come we did not know abt this? So you guys have been encountered each other almost everyday." Sunoo raised his eyebrow and earning a few nods from their circle of friends."So you guys are dating?" Niki asked and you looked at him in fury same with Jungwon.


"Why would i date this girl."

"Why would i date this ahjussi"

"I'm not old yet,ahjumma." He glared.

"Do you like him Y/n?" Maya asked and you laughed in disbelief."He is too full for himself Maya." Jungwon scoffs.

"Then why are you guys always fighting?" Sunoo asked and Jungwon sighs.

"Because this girl right here...........nvm,forget it." He shakes his head."Tell me!!" You whined.

Jungwon came closer to you and kneel down making you confused and everyone gasps.But Niki has his own agenda,he stared at Jungwon's right hand near Y/n left leg he smirked.

Please don't kill me hyung,its for your own good.

He prayed mentally and came near them with a handcuffed behind his back.You rolled your eyes at Jungwon clearly didn't notice Niki.As Jungwon were about to stand up and face Y/n.Niki gripped Jungwon's hand tightly,sliding the handcuffed between Jungwon's hand and your left leg.You guys jumps in suprise as soon Jay ran away almost get caught by Jungwon's strong hand.

"YAHHH NISHIMURA RIKI." Jungwon growls and struggled to chase him outside the class.

He picked you up and you yelp.He chased Niki who is holding the key running far away from him."Fuck this." He said,tired from running and put you down."Did i hurt you somewhere?" He asked and you just shakes your head.You guys looked at each other and started to laugh.

"I'm gonna kill them both." Jungwon said and you nodded your head,laughing still can be heard.

"I never know you have a boyfriend Y/n ." He spoke and you looked at him and shy away."Yunjin is no one Jungwon.Niki is just testing you." He tilted his head in confusion."What do you mean?"

"He knows i have feelings for you." You sighs and his face became red."Am actually want to confess abt something."

"You like me,i know i know.I like you too."You rolled your eyes and he just chuckled."Yeah.....Sorry about earlier."

"Nahhh....I'm used to it since we were kids." You smiled softly at him and he just nodded."So..............be mine?"

"Yeah be yours" You smiled.

"I think we did it." Niki said and Maya laughed."Sure it worth it." They high fived each other and throw the keys and it hitted Jungwon's head."OH SHIT RUN." Niki ran as fast as he could inside the room and shield his self between Sunoo and Kai

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