Oɴʟʏ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ...

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"If you keep on glaring at him,things won't solve itself ya know." Sunoo began while chocolate mochi inside his mouth."Who says i glared at him?" You scoffs.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Sunoo asked and you raised your eyebrow at him."He tease me Sunoo i hate that."

"Well for me its not a bad thing..." He gulped at your strong gaze."What i mean is he isn't the type hitting people like what bully does.He only tease you i see these past years." Sunoo shrugged and you rolled your eyes."Now you're siding him i see."

"Am not.......Yahh I heard Josh came back."

"The campus's bully?" You said in disbelief and he nodded."Yeah after 1 year disappeared."

Its time for your last period and you are free to go home.But guess what he will be in the same class and worst...Your seatmate.

"Guys since the test has ended last week i will give you all free time cause i have work to do."Mr Namjoon said and everyone nodded.

"Sorry i'm late."

"Ahhh.....Mr.Yang,please sit down and do whatever you want." He nodded respectively and change to his mischevious smile to you and sit.

"Eyyyyy......" You rolled your eyes and looked at the other side,he snickered and poke your shoulder.

"What do you want?" You hissed and and yanked his hand away."Why so dry? Anyway congrats for the second place these test." He said and you nodded."Yeah,you too...For the first place." He smiled and you ignored him.

You were abit suprise to see him put his head down and didn't tease you after that.He became quiet.

But you didn't care so you read the notes you had taken and revise everything Heeseung,your older brother teached unless you want to get smack in the head and lectures for 3 hours from him.

You stole a glance at him to see he is sleeping soundly.You couldn't help but stare at him.

"You clearly like him Maya." Yuna whispered from behind and you put your disgusted face while pointing at him,Yuna laughed and shakes her head.

The class has ended you go to your seat only to find it empty.

"He must have left." You said and frowned."He looked odd today."

You packed your books and carried your bag heading towards the exit door.Sunoo couldn't come and walk together to go home cause he has an important things to do.The hallaway is empty,only few students chatting and couples hanging out.

Suddenly theres a hand grab your hand and brought you to the empty class theres no chairs or table.You yanked your hand and saw him,the bully with a smirked face on.

"Long time no see Maya....Do you miss me?" Your heartbeat fast and your palms a sweaty."Let me go.." You said calmly.

"Why would i do that..I miss you Maya." He said.

"We are not even together..Stay away from me please." He scoffs and walked closer to you."I miss you so much.Be my girlfriend yes." You shakes your head and he stared at you with dark eyes.

You tryna run but he pinned you against the wall."Don't run from me Maya.I want you...."

The door burst open.

"Get your hands of whats mine."You looked at your front and see your enemy approaching you frustated in his eyes as he see Josh pinned you.

"Oh so you're protecting her now?"

"Thats all i've done from the start.Only i can touch her." Signalled you to go to him and you did.He tells you to go wait outside.Leaving the room you listen as he beats Josh that tried to grab you.

You walked outside and saw little girl playing with her fingers.She looked at you and smiled.You in awed at her,looking so cute and she take your hands to go outside sitting on a bench.

"Is your name Maya?" She began and you widen your eyes then nodded."My brother talked alot about you hehe but don't tell him." She giggled and you couldn't help but joined too due to her cuteness.You noticed she has a dimple too.

"How old are you?" You asked.

"I'm 9 years old."

"I have a brother in your age too." You said and she smiled again."I guess he is the same class as me unnie.Is his name Juni?"

"Yeah.." You said and she giggled."Oppa used to pick him and send to yo-"

He walked towards them.His dark gaze landing on you as his knuckles bleed."Why did you do that?"

You questioned as he grab your arms and his little sister's bag leading to his car.Avoiding eye contact looking straight to his car.

"You are my most priced diamond Maya...I'm not letting you go...Lia go and take the backseat."You were blushing and looked away.

"She can sit on my lap Jungwon." She smiled so wide and hug your leg.He smiled and nodded.

"Can we bring Maya unnie to our date oppa?" She asked and you laughed her,playing with her soft hair.He chuckled."Go ask her by yourseld if she is free."

"Can you?" You nodded."To the ice cream land we go." He take turns to the left and drive.

"I never thought you had a sibling Jungwon." You said and he chuckled.

"You never ask tho."

"Sorry if i treat you rude all the time Jungwon." You said softly and he chuckled."I want to say sorry to for teasing you."

"Things get very akwards here right." He laughed and you laughed too.

"Don't be...Here is the thing Maya...I don't know how to say this bu-

"My brother likes you unnie thats why he teasing you nonstop...Even mom asked him to sto-OPPA WAEYO!!"

"Don't be so mean Jungwon." You frowned and help her with her games as he closed his phone."What is the password oppa." She whined and he stick his tongue to her.

"Jungwon." You sternly said and he rolled his eyes."Your birthday." He spoke shortly,you raised your eyebrow and type the password.

"Yahhh thanks unnie."

You smirked and looked at him.

"Stop looking." He said.

"You like me ehh?" He scoffs.

Its your turn to tease him.

"Don't be shy Jungwon i like you too." You said,eyes focused on helping her.

He is smilling like an idiot and looked at you.

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