Imagine when....

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"Promise us you will be attending the party at 7 this night arachi." Lia,your bestfriend glared at you and you just nodded.

"If i don-"

"Today is saturday and you said you will give us anything after we helped you on the tutoring sessions." Ryujin cross her hands sassily.

"Okay fine."

"Great! See you at the party."

Both of them walked away leaving you alone.

Why would i be friends with people who is a social person? Im not complaining abt it tho as they were like a sister to me but sometimes it comes abit handy and that time is now.

"Unnie i dont want to go to the party tonight." You whined loudly and Jisoo looks at you weirdly and chuckled.

"Come one lil sis its just once in a lifetime of yours,enjoy ur youth dont waste it.Besides you can wear your hoodie since youre now in sophomore  year."

"Ughh fine."

*At the party*

"Omooo ur finaly came at last." Lia giggled and Ryujin dance in victory.

You were only wearing a blue hoodie and ripped jeans while everyone is wearing dresses,short one.

"YEOROBUN LETS PLAY SUMMONING A DEMON RN." Beomgyu,your classmate began and everyone is cheering.

Divided by two groups,10 members each group well lets just say its a private party held by Taehyun ur classmate too.

"Woahh what a suprise,y/n came at last." Taehyun grinned and you just chuckled as you sat beside Yeji,class president of yours and she smiled.

"Put all of ur pointer finger here and follow my step." Taehyun said and everyone follow him as he told so.

"Wait,im warning you now bfr its to late.We play this shit where we summoning a ghost right,some said that the ghost is going to be someone we know so technically theres maybe a certain chances our schoolmate or even classmate is a demon and is ur soulmate." Taehyun eyed them seriously as they gulped down but soon Taehyun burst into laughter.

"The fuck are you saying." Areum,your bestfriend spat and you just laughed.

You knew Taehyun just messing with all of you so maybe you dont really care,right?

Taehyun gestures them to follow him,hold onto the triangle shape box and move the tiny box in triangle shape as he spoke the words for summoning the so called demon.

Your head is a bit dizzy but you just ignored them.

After the game,theres nothing happen so you decided to go home and as your open ur door,walk past the living room only to find someone sitting on the sofa,crossed leg open the lights.


"Suprise?" He smirk and eyed her up and down.

"What are you doing here?"

Lee Heeseung.

Campus's bad boy is in ur house.

"You summoning me i suppose." He walked slowly towards you and you take a step backward widen your eyes.

"Y-your a-"

"Demon,i know." He smirks again.


"You thinking abt me when you play the game,why?" He cornored you with his hands and leans to you,sweet candy fill your nostrils.

"I-im not-"

"Just tell me what you want and im all yours babe." He whispered in ur ear and licked it.

"Dont play dumb my sweet Y/n,you are the goddess of angel in disguised and god destined us to be soulmate forever,so i repeat myself.Ask me what you want all this time and im all urs." He looks into ur eyes and you gulped.

"You are supose to not know abt th-"

"Youre not good at keeping secrets my dear." He looks at your lips.

"Okay then."

He look very confused as ur golden orbs showed up.

"Stained my pure soul with ur sins my heeseung."

He smirks and................

(The rest u can think ehehhe)


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