Pʀᴇᴛᴛʏ Sᴀᴠᴀɢᴇ

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Listen to mikrokosmos by bts.

3rd person povs

Taehee became known in that schools bcs of her brain and strong presence.

Jungwon became known as the fearful taekwondo boy with brain.

Did you two get along?

Never in million years.

Did you both like each other?

In your dreams.

Every student adore/hate En- and Savage G.

And the most famous story even other schools knew is
The Love/Hate relationship both groups.

One day you had enough abt those sluts.

"Hey YOU!! I'm warning you stay away from my Jungwon oppa."

"And En- too!!" Those minions added making the rest of En- gagging from their sits.

"Oh yeah? Should i tell you this? OH nevermind.You see that head prefect over there?" You pointed your index finger at Jungwon who is busy munching his mochi.

"He is mine since kindergarden.Wanna fight? Im prepared nowh." You sassily said making Jungwon choked his mochi.

"I will tell-"


They stomped their feet and run away,all students looks at you with amazed and some of them aweing Jungwon.

You huffed and walked towards the cafeteria to buy strawberry sandwich and strawberry milk.

"Yoo what you did back there is awesome unnie." Nola began.

You scoffs." Hope this story didn't spread to all of the school."

Nahh everybody knows already.To late.

-After reccess-

"Annyeong everyone welcome to our taekwondo lessons for those whos new in here,please be comfortable and ask ur senior if theres any problem." Mr Suu began as the junior nodded eagerly,cute.

"As you can see we have a new teacher who will replacing our lovely Mr Jeon who couldn't attend this class to teach you.Please, introduce urself."

"Annyeong my name is Jang jeonghan,i will be the new teacher for today please treat me well." He said smiled but he is so suspecious for you same with Jungwon.

He seems familiar.

But you just shrugged it off.

"So today i will teach you how to do the full defence mode when u around enemies okay?" He looks at you.

"So i will choose Y/n as my helper."

"But we dont choose girl to be our helpe-"

"I can choose whoever i want." He spat to Niki.

"Hyung i dont feel right." Niki asked Jungwon,he is glaring at him.

"Lets watch."

"Okay so Y/n i will do the technique and you will defend urself." He said,creepy.

He attacks you,you dodges him perfectly,after 2 minutes fights he still didn't stop as you grew tired.Imagine fighting with a 179 cm person when you were just 162cm.He had muscles too ofc you get tired.He start to used more forced when blocking you.As soon as you back facing him he grabs ur waist forcefully and started to harrassing you.

"W-what are you doing?!!* You panicked.

"This is what you get, humiliated my sister.You bitc-"

"Stay away from her you f*cking a**hole." Jungwon throw him a strong punch,did a few 360 kick,side kick and strangle him to the ground.

"Niki call the police now!!"Jungwon growls.He looks at you who were shaking."You.Go to the changing room now.!!" He spat.

After the police came they arrested him and bring him to the station.

Jungwon look for you and finds you sitting on the conor with both hands hugged ur legs.

"Hey look at me,Y/n,ur fine now the guy arrested." He pulled you and hugged you tightly.

"Thankyou so much." You sobs.

He lets go and looked at you with grins in his face,dimple popped out.

"Your skills still sucks so i will be teaching you from now on.Meet me after class every friday,i'll train you until u mastered your skills."
He smiled and walk away.

"I hate you Yang Jungwon.You still sucks at maths and science." You glared at him as he giggled.

"What? You cant do that." He exclaimed innocently.

"Whys that?"

"B-because im ur fiance and soon to be ur husband in three years from now." He smirks.

"No need to mentioned that you pabo." You rolled ur eyes.

"Ofc i can,bye shorty." He smiled then walked away."Dont forget abt the rumours honey." He smirks.

So in this story you and him in arrange marriegge since you were born.You and him made a deal in not care abt each other acted like an enemies but you guys are really is so thats what makes the story more interesting.

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