Sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ pt2

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"Prince Jungwon,your father wants your presents in the hall." Jungwon's maid called him out while he is doing his hair.

"Ahh araseo thank you." He said as the maid bowed down.

-At the hall-

"Jungwon-ahh come sit with us we have something to tell you abt ur soulmate." His dad gestures him to sit beside them and Jungwon obediently sit.

"Okay im listening."

"Ya'know Nesta Water dear?" His mom asked making Jungwon tilted his head in confusion.

"The Pure Water?" He blurted and they nodded.

"Yes thats true"

"You will be the one who dipped her in that water."

"Wai-So i got into the water with her?" Jungwon face is red.

"Yeah Wonie bcs you both is still innocent and pure.With your hands wrapped on her waist you can feel the lust to marked her that moment." Jungwon face is now a tomato.

"She will decided on you will marked her that night or later." His father tease him more.

"AISHHH guys please dont say that." He groans while they just laughed.

"Whatt ur a grownup now strong yet very smart son." His father patted his back."Anyway,hows the company?"

"The company is still top 1 i can say."

"Im proud if you Wonie."His mom hugged him."I cant wait to see that soulmate of urs,i heard she also had a two dimples like you."His mother playfully grins as Wonie sighs defeatedly.

Well im excited to see her too and more like to marked her as-WAIT WHAT.

"Im going now bye guys." They nodded.

-Your povs-

"Y/n are you ready?" Her mom asked as you nodded.

"We will go there with teleport all i want is you to close ur eyes and hold our hands." You obedient to ur dad.

Minutes felt like seconds,you arrived at the dark but very beautiful forest.As you walked further you saw a big castle and as if theres a whole galaxy around this forest.It felt like fantasy in the novel.

"We will meet ur great grandmother first she will explain to you everything." Mom side hugged you as you get inside.

Greeting by the maids,they bowed with full respect.

The Hidden Witch had arrive,the princess who Yang Jungwon fall inlove Deeply.

"This way please." The butler said and we just followed him.

Theres big blue door as soon as he opened that door we found her using her power reading the i guess its the prophecy?

"Ahh the Noble members had arrived."She grins making mom n dad giggled.

"I missed you all so much do come in!!!" She laughed as you guys came in.

As you all talked abit.She started to become serious.

"Sit here my girl."Nanny said and you sit infront of her.

"You know Nesta Water?" You shakes ur head and she sighs.

"Why dont you-"

"We lost the memo mianhe Nanny."They both apologize but she just rolled her eyes.

"Nesta Water is a pure water my dear.That water has been kept for over 7000 years ago.You are the last witch,the strongest one will be dipped in that water by ur soulmate himself.He will marked you to stained ur pure n innocent soul with his love and desires.Your power has not awaken yet,he will open it.Prepare my young one,there will be a war between vams/witches and wolf.They wants you and the prince to die." Nanny explained very sternly.

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