Fᴜᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ (ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑜𝑟)

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"Can you stop bugging me about going to the festival Chaerin." You hissed and she laughed pushing the button to go to the basement.

"Sorry.....Since you not going how about we hangout at the park?" She suggest and you smiled.

You were about to say something but someone came in and the door is closed.A few people is inside but this guy attract your attention.

"Woah he's tall." You said and she nodded.

"He looked like korean guy don't you think?" She claimed and you try to contain your smile.

The door is opened and the guy walked out leaving you and her.She teasingly smile at you.

"Do you think he speak english?" You asked and she raised her eyebrow."I never know my bestfriend is into guys." You punched her shoulder playfully."He must be inteligent to study here." She said and you nodded."How come we didn't bump into him or something."

She smirked and you shakes your head.

"Chaerin he's coming in again." You giggled and she face palm her face.

The same guy wearing blue hoodie holding a folder is infront of her.

"He looked very cute chaerin." You yelled whispered at her and she laughed causing everyone inside drew attention to the both of them including the guy.

You examined his face carefully.He has a cat eyes,sharp jaw and a dimple along with his two brown orbs.

"Sorry." You bowed and he turn his attention back to the front.You smacked her shoulder and she laughed quietly.

Its been 4 weeks you and him in the same lift campus on your way home.Everytime he comes in you always whisper at Chaerin about how handsome and smart this guy are.

How she wish she wants to tell her the real truth......

As soon as the door open,you and Chaerin walked towards the parking lot.

"Heather Lee." You stopped and turn around saw him.Standing infront of you with his hand on his pocket.

"I'm going now goodb-"

"You can't just leave me with a strange-YAHHH CHAERIN AHHH."He grins at himself.

"Looks like she has something important to do....Lets go to the park?"

"How can i trust yo-YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?" You shouted and widen your eyes."................Of course i did.Well back at your question,do i look like kidnappers?" He asked with a poker face on."I don't know...Considering you can speak english so yeah 50% i guess."

"Don't worry i won't do anything kay?" You nod in hesitate and follow him to his car.

"So...Tell me about yourself." He asked,eyes on the road."So you speak korean?" He chuckled and nodded."Im a full blooded korean guy."

"Ohh thats great.So that means we can speak in korean?" You asked and he laughed."Both if you want."

"My hometown is in Busan.I have never been to Korea in my whole life." You sadly said and he chuckled."We can talk more if we find a bench to sit on." You nodded and get out of the car walking beside him made you feel safe ngl.

"So you heard everything i said these past weeks huh?" He burst out laughing and your face is a blushing mess.

"Stop laughing stupid." You hissed and he grins at you.

"You don't know me?" You frown and shakes your head."Why would i know you?"

"Forget it.......So,boyfriend?" You looked at him and laughed."No."

"Have you ever getting tease on?" He said."I did back in highschool by this boy who i have a crush on but he is a douche bag ya kno." He scoffs.

"Why is that?"

"Cause he always.............Sorry to say but i won't tell you what he did but althought he can be a whore sometimes.....He is there when i need somebody." You smiled to yourself and he became flustered.

"Who is that guy?"

"His name is-"

"Jungwon!!!! Its been so long." Jake your senior in science labotary.You widen your eyes again at him.

"Eyyy hyung!!! Long time no see how about we catchup with the others this weekend." Jake smiled and noticed you seems to be staring at nothing since his arriving."Heather?" You smiled at him and he waved you both goodbye.

Jungwon stared at his hyung and glance at your direction.Smiling like an idiot poking your shoulder.

"I hate you Jungwon." You hissed staring at the kids playing at the playground.He burst out laughing.

"I thought you would recognise me shorty." He pouted and you smack his shoulder."Never thought i'd see you again....You've changed now."

"More handsome? Eyyyyy." He grins and you glared at him.

"I miss you Heather." He said and you scoffs."I miss you too."

"I can see that.So,ice cream?" He asked and you still sulking."I'm sorry okay? I've changed now because of you...."

"Why would you?"

"Because i love you,thats why i kept on teasing you so i can be close." He said and you hummed pulling his hand.

"Be my girlfriend?"

"I'll have to think ab-"

"I don't take no as an answer." He replied.

"Fine fine.Tell me the whole thing,i know you and Chaerin plan something." He nodded and put his left hand on your shoulder.

(one week after the encountered of you two)

"Where is your friend?" He began and Chaerin widen her eyes."You can speak english?" He chuckled and nodded.

"I assumed you can speak korean?" Chaerin shakes her head and he stare at her."My friend Heather can speak korea since she is half korean but she never been to korea actually."

"You still didn't answer me." He said.

"She has something important to do so she can't go to class today." Chaerin explained and he nodded.

"She doesn't know i can speak english right?" Chaerin nodded laughed.

"Don't tell her then.Let she knows this by herself.I can't believe you both didn't recognise me at all." He chuckled and Chaerin frowned.

"What are you tryna say?"

"Think again." He grins.

She stopped for a few minutes and widen her eyes.

"You're Johnny right? The school's prankster..." He nodded,smirked on his face.She stared at him in disbelief.

"You've changed now and looked really tall." She gawk and he laughed."Yeah.....She asked me to changed my style so this is the new me." She laughed and he wiggle his eyebrow.

"Can't believe you still has a crush on her until now Jungwon."

"Heyyy Call me Johnny Chaerin-ah." He said and she nodded understanding."I suppose only she can calls you by your name ehhh?" He nodded proudly.

"She has a crush on you too John....Since that day you save her from those bullies." She pats his shoulder.

"Yeah.......She looked very scared that time." He chuckled.

"Look i gtg and see you around." She said and he waved goodbye."Don't tell her at all!" She nodded and waved goodbye.


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