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-2 𝙰.𝙼  𝙹𝚊𝚢'𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎

"GUYs guys guys,have ya heard the story about there's a girl got murdered by a murderer around this neighborhoo" Jay shush them and they looked at him with wide eyes except Heeseung who looked really unbothered and just munched his potatoe chips clearly showing the do-i-care-face to them.

They were having a sleepover in Jay's house forcing Heeseung to join them too because they all scared but still want to stay up all night.Jay's house is actually have this spirit wandering around and sometime can show themselves,Jay still not used to it and has trauma about the unseen creature.He can see the ghost clearly.

"What is it then?" Jake asked and turned the tv off,Sunghoon wear his hoodie cap,Sunoo wrapped himself like a burrito,Jungwon shared his chips with Niki and Heeseung is the only one not get into the blanket.One of them will sleep in the big couch and thats Heeseung for sure.Jasuke sleep in one mattress along with maknae line.

"I'm still not used to this kind of situation but I'm telling you,there's a soul who trapped in here that has been disturbing us since i was 6.The girl has a bad vibes as when she passed by our air became cold and tense,my youngest sister often get possesed (is dat how you spell that?) If that happen my mom or my dad help her." He look around followed by the others.

"Afterall,this house is huge hyung." Jungwon said."Yeah,when i'm the only one man in this house while my parents are away is actually a burden you know.I have to look around and always be alert if that thing come."

"What do you mean?" This time Heeseung asked."Living with two sisters is hard." Jay sighs and Jake burst laughing but soon frown same with the others."Wait........Noona is back from Chicago?" Sunoo asked and Jay nodded.The maknae line is cheering.Heeseung tilted his head to Jay but only Sunghoon noticed.

Heh,don't like her my ass.Your eyes is clearly showing the obvious hyung.

"Where is she then?" Jungwon asked."In her room slee-"

Suddenly the door burst open and only to see Dian running in her pyjama,the pale girl went inside followed by two other girls wearing pyjama too.You run as fast as you can in your big hoodie painting and closing the door.You gasps for air and defending the door with the side of your body and Jay furiously asked.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked and you looked at them with a force smile."H-hey guys."

The door stopped and you look at the door anxiously.

"MADDIE,JAY OPPA!!!!"They all flinched.

"FUCK....JAY GO GET A SALT AND PUT IT ON EACH SIDE AND WINDOW OF THIS HOUSE.GUYS CREATE CIRCLE AND PLEASE DON'T LEAVE UNTIL I SAY SO."Jay charged to the kitchen and you run as fast as you can towards the possesed girl.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Jay asked,hands are shaking.He puts the salt every corner and you struggled a but still manage to hold her along with kayla and Nisha."Maybe chasing a ghost is a bad idea." You said and Jay glared at you."Guys join them in the circle now." You said.

"She's very strong dumbass you can't hold her alone." Kayla hissed."Jay come here and help me." You said and he just went towards your sister and hold her by himself."How do you even know to do this huh?" Jay asked and you looked at him."I studied these few days.Why do you hide this thing from me Jay?" You said,lightining the candle and pressed it down forming a circle enough for the three of them.

You read the tiny book's spelled and your sister started to scream loudly and squrming under his hold.Jay strenghtened his hold.

"Guys close your eyes." Jay said and they all close eyes.The black soul is out and she passed out."If you seek for that bitch again Maddie i swear i'm gonna kill you." He hissed and you snickered still painting."Sorry,its just my curiousty killing me but i know how to cure her back so its a win win yeah?" You grins.

"I hate you.Why aren't you asleep?" He glare and rub the passout girl on her head."You didn't pick up my call to tell you that we taking a walk at the playground."

"Its dangerous out there noona." Niki said and you chuckled."I want all of you sleep with us here in the living room." Jay sternly said and you rolled your eyes as you signalled them to bring the mattress and blankets.

"I hate dis." Kayla hissed and Jay noticed her."Why don't you sleep besides me?" He asked eyes still managing the mattress and Kayla widen her eyes,cheeks flushed in red.

"She can sleep with m-"

"Okay i will." Kayla replied cutting you in the mid and you pouted earning a few laughter from the maknae."Everyone is ready their position , I...............nvm i'll sleep at my bedroo-"

"Yahhh i've set the mattress already." Heeseung glared at you and you scoffs." Fine."

He sleeps on the cozy couch where you sleeping besides him on the mattress."Goodnight everyone." Jungwon said and they all replied.

Kayla hug Jay from behind and dozed off.Everyone practically dozed off but you still awake watching Heeseung's face while you snuggling like a burrito staring at him with your doe eyes.

"Take a picture so it will last long." He said with his eyes closed,you close your eyes instantly."Can't sleep?"

You shake your head and he sighs.He get down from the couch and layed down beside you with his hand under you head.He cuddled you for about 5 minutes.

"You didn't tell me you arrived." He play with your hand and you looked at him."Sorry."

"I miss you btw."

"Thats why Jay constantly forcing me to fastened the date cuz he can't stand seeing you in a badmood." You snickered and he shyly smiled."Do you find someone there?" He asked and you frown."Whats with the sudden question?"

"Don't tease me like that." You smirked playfully."Of course i have." He glared at you and huffed."Who is he?"

"Thats a secret you don't need to know." You said and he whined but soon groaning cause you punched his chest."Shut up the rest is sleeping pabo."

"Why would you do that stupid." You punched his chest again."I know you for 7 years Maddie.The look in your eyes clearly telling lies."

"Then why ask such question." You raised you eyebrow and he shrugged.

"I love you." He said and you were flustered."......."

He glared and locked your head with his hand so he can kiss you but you close your face with your hands."Okay okay I love you too."

He smilling like an idiot and hugged you.

"I thought you guys hate each other."Jay said and you both flinched by the sudden voice turns out to be your brother."Don't interupt them oppa lets just sleep.Maddie is in love with him since you introduce her to him 7 years ago." Jay scoffs and lay down dozed off again.

"I hate you." You said and he kiss your forehead."I hate you more."


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