Chapter 18

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What if villains weren't actually bad people? What if they were just broken people?

Kat turned trying to find a comfortable position under the soft covers of her bed. She sighed looking up at the ceiling. Her thoughts wandering and swirling around in her head like a never ending ferriss wheel. Rubbing her tired eyes, she yawned for the millionth time in one minute. She didn't want to, but she couldn't help but think of a certain blue eyed girl who had caused her so much pain, a different kind of pain that made her regret everything. She still hadn't gotten around to telling Barry, or anyone for that matter.

She never thought she'd end up like this. A heartbroken girl with superpowers working side by side with her brother and two scientists alongside his foster father and sister. She smiled at the thought of Barry and Iris together.

They're gonna make beautiful babies.

Yet, she couldn't help but feel bad for Eddie. The poor guy was dragged into this mess, and being kidnapped by the psychopath himself, she wouldn't doubt he already knew he didn't stand a chance with Iris.

"Guys, meet me in the cortex, ASAP." Cisco's voice rang through the unnecessaryly loud speakers in the corner of her room making her fall off her bed. She sighed, rubbing her elbow.

Can't a girl get some sleep?

As she walked down the long corridor that somehow felt even longer, she felt a pang in her chest as she thought of how hurt she was from rejection. She didn't know why these emotions of guilt, shame, anger, hurt and sadness just washed over her at random times. And no matter how much she tried to deny it, she knew she missed the girl. She felt like she needed someone to fill that hole where that one person used to be.

I'm happy was what she told herself every single day. She had a family, helped people and was getting better at physics thanks to Cisco. What more could she possibly want right?

"Okay everyone's here," Cisco said almost hurriedly. "So," he started, holding a coffee in one hand, grabbing Wells's chair with the other. "I kept asking myself, why would Wells pretend to need a wheelchair?" He said stepping away from the technology.

"Sympathy I suppose," Caitlin shrugged with her hands on her hips.

"Or maybe he was too much of an a-" she stopped talking seeing the looks she got from the people in the room. She shrugged. That sleazy, backstabbing, pu-

"That's what I thought," he said gesturing to Caitlin opting to ignore the girl's statement. "But he's the man in yellow. He's the reverse flash, he's much smarter than that. Sympathy can't be the only reason." Cisco was onto something. This was Wells er, Eobard they were talking about, he might've been a jerk, but he was still a genious. It annoyed Kat how smart he was. But as far as she knew, the villains never won, right? It's always the good guys, which was the team she was rooting for.

"Yeah, it's a misdirect," Joe spoke up, "just like everything else Wells has done. I mean, the last person we'd expect to be the Man In Yellow is someone who lost the use of their legs," he said, gesturing to the wheelchair. Kat looked at it zoning out for a second.

I wonder if it smells like farts

"Which is why," Cisco said dragging her out if her unusual thoughts. He put his coffee on the floor and walked toward the chair, "I've been messing around with it." He turned it on it's side earning strange looks from his audience. "And then I found this." He slid a small panel open to reveal futuristic looking technology that Kat couldn't even begin to fathom.

"Damn,"Joe said in awe as a broad grin graced Cisco's lips. He looked like a child who had just gotten a new toy to play with. "You can't get that at a RadioShack."

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