Chapter 7

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"How was it?" Kat asked as Barry closed the door behind him. He jumped at the sound of her voice. She was sitting on the couch reading a magazine she had no interest in.

"Oh my G-! Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"Aren't you supposed to have a girlfriend?" She shot back as Barry scoffed. "So, how was it? And where's Iris?"

Barry and Iris had gone to the movies and Kat couldn't wait to hear about it. She had gotten even closer to the West family. More importantly, she had gotten closer to Barry. She knew he was the Flash since the start. She found it amusing how he could use her to charge himself. She was a generator after all. Caitlin had come to the conclusion that she was, and that Barry could use her as a battery. Just not too much or he could kill her. He didn't at all have any intentions of charging off of her anyway. He couldn't use his sister like that. He would only do it if she was getting out of control. She had gotten overwhelmed alot but she didn't tell Barry that. She lost it at school because she got so angry sometimes but Angie was always there to tell her soothing words and comfort her until she calmed down.

"She's... staying at Eddie's," Barry said obviously hurt. Kat made a 'tsk' sound as she shook her head and walked toward him.

"Better luck next time big bro," she pat him on the shoulder and made her way to her room. She layed in her bed staring up at the blank ceiling waiting for morning to light. Tonight was one of the nights she wouldn't be sleeping. She didn't have Angie by her side to comfort her. That was why she spent most of her evenings at sleepovers with Angie. The two were now inseparable. They still had Kylie and Noah who were finally together. Kat was happy for them though she couldn't help but want something like their's. But she didn't want it with just anyone. Just one person in particular.

"Angie!" She yelled as she caught up to the blue eyed beauty. Angie smiled at her giving her a hug.

"What's up?" Angie grinned showing her pearly white teeth. She entwined their pinkies as the walked down the halls.

"Nothing," Kat smiled at the contact blushing a little before quickly changing the subject hoping Angie hadn't seen that, "have you seen Kylie and Noah?"

As if on que, Kylie and Noah rounded the corner holding hands and cracking jokes.
"Oh, hey guys," Noah greeted as Kylie hugged them both.

"Did you guys hear about that poisoned gas thing in that restaurant?" Kylie said sounding a little too excited for the news.

"When did that happen?" Kat asked curiously. She hadn't heard anything of that, although she doubt Joe would mention it, Barry was a blabbermouth. She didn't even have to ask for him to just sit down and tell her about his day.

I mean, I am a great listener. Except when it came on to class.

"Last night," they furrowed their brows as if asking how she knew that. It only happened the night before. No one knew that. Reading their looks, she smirked, "I have my sources." The bell rang.

"Well, see you guys later." They waved goodbye before going their separate ways. Soon enough, school had ended with Kat learning absolutely.... nothing. She sighed as her and Angie made it to Angie's bike.

"Why so blue?" Angie held up her head with her finger.

"Nothing, I just," she groaned, "why can't I learn anything."

"Because you're just dense," Justin remarked. Ever since that first day in the parking lot, he wouldn't stop bugging her. Everytime she was about to give in to her temper, Angie always calmed her down trying to protect her. She didn't want Kat to expose her powers, she would have to move away or something. But what would happen when Angie wasn't there? Both girls rolled their eyes and proceeded to ignore him. "Or maybe your skull replaced your brain." He and his three other friends laughed at his joke.

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