Chapter 25

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As they entered the cortex, Cisco touched Kat's shoulder, making her turn around. 

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier-" She shrugged, not really understanding why he was apologizing.

"Don't worry about it." She smiled, one he found contagious. His face dropped, pulling a questioning look from her own.

"Wells... he thinks I'm a meta," he said for only her to hear. For the second time that day, her eyes almost left her skull.

"What?!" She whisper-yelled, trying to read his face. "Is that not good? Or the very least exciting?" She bounced on her heels, her grin fading as he shrugged. "I won't tell the team if you don't want me to." He nodded, muttering a thanks before they joined the rest of the team.

"Well, sure there's a bit of a risk," Wells said. That 'bit of a risk' being a wormhole that would possibly swallow the whole planet.

"I would hardly refer to possibly causing an extinction-level event as 'bit of a risk'," Stein countered.

"Yeah, and your accelerator's been about as reliable as the beater I drove in high school," Joe said, seemingly unable to stand still. Thawne chuckled dryly, looking up into the camera.

"Let me ask you a question," he said dropping his smug smile. "How many meta-humans... how many dangers... have we faced this year, together?" He asked, emphasizing the last word. "Or did you forget, that was-"

"What're you getting at here?" The girl hadn't the patience to listen to his self-praise. She wondered if they could have gone without him. All he ever did was fix his glasses anyway.

"I have been planning this for almost two decades. It will work." The confidence in his words did nothing for her as she sighed.

"And how do we make sure we don't open up a black hole in the middle of Central City?" Cisco asked, clearly and understandably, distrustful of the man. His arms crossed over his chest, a guarded stance. 

"So once the wormhole stabilizes, Barry will have one minute and fifty-two seconds to alter the past and return to this time. If and when he does that, you can close the wormhole and we can all live happily ever after. Almost two minutes. More than enough time to save Nora."

"You have no right to say her name!" She yelled, the lights flickering excessively. Joe put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. Wells smirked as the lights went back to normal.

"But it's not enough time to stop you from going home," Barry said. Indeed, it was suspicious and the team's distrust couldn't be hidden. As much as Kat would like, it didn't seem to bother him.

"Everything's a choice," he said, holding out his hands from his sides. His smug smirk unsettled them even further. Kat shifted her weight to one foot, her arms crossed and her face of steel.

"And what if I'm late?"

"You won't be. I believe in you Barry. Always have. So I guess the question is, do your friends and family believe in you as much as I do?" Caitlin cut off the camera, knowing very well what he was trying to do.

"Finally," Kat mumbled. She thought the man ridiculous for insinuating that they didn't believe in Barry. She believed in her brother 100%. She just didn't believe in Dr. Wells- Eobard.

Barry left the room, confliction in his eyes. Joe followed after him. The girl could feel it. Somewhere in this, something was going to go wrong.


Despite the possibility of the world coming to an end, Caitlin and Ronnie decided to finally have their wedding. The sun beat down on their skins, but they all smiled nonetheless. It was a moment of happiness for the team. They hadn't had much of those for a while.

"So what about you?" She asked the Latino.

"What about me?" He chuckled.

"No one special?" He blushed, suddenly finding the surprisingly well kept grass beneath him interesting. He shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets. "That's okay. At least you're not Barry." They giggled, turning as they noticed Caitlin approaching. They all gathered closer to witness a new beginning for their friends.

"If it's alright with everyone, I'd like to skip all the Hebrew," Stein said earning a few laughs.

"That's the best part," Kat smiled remembering when her, Emma and Hannah would read bible stories when she was younger. She didn't know if she believed in all that stuff, but it came with good times. Stein chuckled, clearing his throat for his speech.

"I've learned a lot about merging one's life with another this past year. Yet, for all the incredible advancements in science we've all been party to, the mystery that brings two people through love is still the province of magic. Mr. Ramone, the rings please."

The bride handed her bouquet to Iris as Cisco stepped forward. He knelt on one knee, making them laugh. The bewedded slipped both rings on each other's fingers, smiles as bright as the sun.

"I owe you a real ring," Ronnie said.

"I don't need one," she said. "I have everything and everyone that I could ever need right here." She glanced at all of her friends. "And... if all the events of the past year have led us to this moment, it was worth it." Her brunette hair bounced as she spoke, her words touching all their hearts. "I love you, Ronnie."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Stein announced. "You may kiss the bride."

"Stop telling me what to do," Ronnie joked before meeting his wife's lips.

They all cheered for their friends, the beautiful moment almost bringing tears to their eyes. Kat met her brother's eyes. He smiled at her, but she could see right through it. He looked away, unable to keep it there. He had decided.


Caitlin embraced Barry, whose deep red suit was looking a little different today. As if it knew what was about to happen. Barry was about to run at an impossible speed to save his family the pain they had been through. She smiled at him, stepping back so Cisco could talk to him.

"Okay, there are gonna be three yous back there... the you from the future, who saved younger you from the Reverse-Flash and now you you," he explained. "Remember, wait until future you gets younger you out of There, and then you can ho save your mom."

"Peice of cake," Barry said. He smiled down at his friend, grateful that he had come to know him. He looked over at Kat who gave him a weak smile. She didn't want her brother to leave, not only because she didn't trust Eobard, but she also didn't want him doing anything he would regret. But she would support him nonetheless.

"May the force be with you," the shorter  man said, assertingly placing his hands on Barry's shoulders, to which the speedster smiled and turned to the man who had been like a father to him.

"Goodbye, dad." Joe embraced him at those words.

"Goodbye, son."


"You don't have to say anything," the woman said, taking a step forward. "I already know." She pressed a hand against his chest before planting a soft kiss to his forehead. Cupping his face, she forced him to meet her eyes. "I hope whatever life you get, it's enough for you... that it makes you happy."

"You too." Giving a nod to Eddie, Barry slowly turned to the entrance of what could be his new beginning when he felt two arms wrapped around his torso. He turned to look down at his sister.

"I love you, Barry." He smiled down at her teary eyes. His smile wavered as he stroked her hair.

"I love you too."

Their eyes followed him as he went beyond the metal door. When it shut behind him, they all headed back to the cortex, knowing this wasn't over yet.

Hello... another chapter that's taken months. Well, almost at the end of the book so... yay? Anyway, remember to smile 🙂

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