Chapter 9

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"We're going back tonight," Snart said as he checked out his gun. Kat sat in a chair with one leg on the arm rest. She sighed as she watched the exchange of the three men. She didn't hear a word they were saying. She was too busy focusing on her own plan. Her revenge. Unlike her wig, everything else seemed..... not itchy. Maybe teaming up with Snart was the right choice. Maybe she could finally feel a little closure from her past.

It was fun to watch them and not hear what they were saying. She watched as the men pointed guns at Snart and slowly backed away looking as if they were chickening out making her scoff. After they left, she looked over at Snart.

"What now?"

"We get the diamond," he said bluntly checking out the gun. He dramatically pulled on the goggles with his signature smirk.

They were outside Central City museum about to steal a very beautiful and precious diamond. Snart looked down at her and nodded. She held both her hands in front of her. Her glowing veins and eyes appearing brighter than ever due to the darkness they were in. Soon the power in the whole building was cut. Quite frankly, Kat thought she deserved the diamond after what she had been through. It would just be a trophie set in her little space in an old building, alongside her five duffle bags of cash. The next thing was the two heading to a train. After they had boarded the train, Snart smirked down at her.

"You did good kid." She winked at him. Then a flash of lightening could be seen throughout the train. The Flash looked at Kat. Shock was written across his face before turning his attention back to Snart. She stared at Barry missing the first part of the conversation between the two rivals. "Your mom know you're out past your bedtime?" Flash wore a cocky smirk.

"If you wanted to get away you should've taken something faster than a train," his smirk fell at Snart's next words.

"That's if I wanted to get away. I've seen your weaknesses, at the armored car, then at the theater. See while you're busy saving people, I'll be busy saving myself. Good luck with that." Snart froze the train railings and jumped out the train with Kat right behind him. The train was derailed, much like Kat had gone. Flashes of lightening went back and forth, more people appearing outside of the train. Flash was then frozen to the ground screaming out in pain. Kat almost felt sorry for him. He was her brother. They were blood. But she remembered, he would probably do the same to her. She walked around Flash eyeing him closely stopping behind him. "Pretty fast kid, but not fast enough. Thank you."

"For what?" Flashed asked in pain. Kat smirked at how much pain he was in. He would understand just a little of what she went through. Honestly, she just wondered why she didn't think of revenge sooner.

"You forced me to up my game. Not only with this gun, but how I think about the job. And also her," he gestured to Kat, "it's been educational." Suddenly, Kat's hands were behind her back with cold metal rapped around her wrists.

"Drop it," a familiar voice said. "This is a prototype cold gun, four times the size, four times the power." Snart held up his hands in mock surrender. He then looked to the Flash. But Kat couldn't believe they had gotten her. It was over.

"I was wondering who you were talking to."

"Hey, unless you want a taste of your own medicine I'd back the hell up," Cisco threatened with a blonde woman and Caitlin behind him. All the time, Kat had been trying to use her powers but it wasn't working, at all. She tried breaking out of the cuffs even though she knew it wouldn't work. Shit. She rolled her eyes huffing out air from her cheeks.

"Your hands are shaking. You've never killed anyone before," Snart smirked at Cisco's shaky hands.

"There's a first time for everything, Captain Cold. I will shoot you."

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