Chapter 26

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"Remember, Mr. Allen,"Stein started through the comms system. "Assuming you achieve the proper velocity and open the wormhole, you will only have 1 minute and 52 seconds to save your mother and return. Or else..."

"I know," the speedster replied. Within the few seconds that passed by, the ever present but slight buzz in her, made the girl more uneasy. She felt it every time Barry ran. Every time his heart sped up even the slightest bit. But somehow, this particular time didn't feel right.

"The accelerator's structural integrity is holding," Ronnie informed them as he looked at one of the screens. The whole building shook suddenly, causing the computers to glitch for a moment.

"What was that?" Joe questioned. "Is Barry okay?"

"Yeah. He just passed Mach 2." Cisco's revelation made them smile in relief.

The liquid in Stein's cup rose, the familiar phenomenon being a good sign. But the buzzing in Kat's body grew. She couldn't tell if I was painful or not, but it brought a sort of rush to her. Like she was running alongside Barry. She closed her eyes, distorted voices meeting her ears. Everything becoming more tense.

"Goodnight, slugger." She heard clearly, her father's voice.

"Mom!" A young boy cried.

She opened her eyes. She was still in the cortex, the team was still in front of her. Not sure of what happened, or if it was even real, she decided the intense moment was best kept silent.

"I believe it's time to say goodbye to Harrison Wells," Stein announced.

"Finally," she muttered, glancing at the clock. 58 seconds. She figured Barry had already entered the timeline. She was ready to get Wells herself.

"Uh-Uh." Joe pointed at her. "You stay here."

She sulked disappointedly. She eyed him, not having the chance to protest when he gave her a look. He and Cisco went to the pipeline. The rest of the team watched from the camera, the short conversing of the three men before Wells got into his time ball. Kat still thought it a wasted opportunity, but said nothing further.

"30 seconds," Stein informed. Just then, a bright light emerged in the camera feed. Kat wasted no time in starting a run to the pipeline. The ground shook violently, almost throwing her against the wall. She slid under the closing metal door. She spotted Thawne and her brother, once again, in a heated battle.

Again, the buzz slowly rose, bringing the rush with it. She channeled a serge of electricity, knocking Thawne off his feet. Barry fell, trying to catch his breath. She rushed over to him, willingly transmitting energy to him, allowing him to heal faster.

"Ah, yes," Thawne said, calling their attention, his distorted voice making her uncomfortable. "The only thing standing in my way." She tried her best to shake off the fact he just called her a thing. "I know you'll love my solution." She followed his line of sight. A much... different version of Angie caught her attention. Soulless and unmoving eyes stared back at her. "Have fun."

"Yes father." Taken aback, the girl tried to make sense of this. In fact, she wasn't even sure she wanted to understand. She walked closer, trying to look past the unfamiliar stare of the girl.

"Angie. What're you doing here?" She cautiously took another step closer the blue eyed girl. She was notably different, looking pass the metal, than the girl she met on the first day of school. Her posture was unnaturally perfect. Rather than the soft, pale skin, her arms were replaced by metal. Rather than ears, she had flat, circular metal moving at the side of her head.

"I am here to have fun with you." With an "Oh," Kat had hope the girl meant that in a good way. But her heart dropped when Angie's arm reconstructed into a that of a three barreled gun.

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