Chapter 10

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She had finally gotten out of that cell. She finally had a little air to breathe. She wasn't allowed to go outside though, she still wasn't fully trusted, but they welcomed her with open arms. Sometimes she had moments where she wondered why she was a villain and others she wondered how Dr. Wells held his character so well. He hadn't told her about his past or why he was doing what he was. The only thing he told her was about his superspeed, like Barry. Only faster. He was a very secretive man. Kat didn't like that but, this an opportunity she couldn't pass up. She didn't deserve what happened to her. But did everyone else deserve her wrath?

She was currently seated on a chair with one leg over the arm rest rubbing at the bracelet Cisco had made to dampen her powers. Cisco and Caitlin were working on something to help with a new meta-human. He could turn into metal. It would have sounded more awesome if she could ignore Sean's malicious words. His voice was like nails on a chalk board. But he was the reminder of what she truly wanted. Maybe after she accomplished her goal, he would go away. For good. She only looked up when Barry walked in saying the metal man's name. Tony Woodward. Apparantly he was Barry's childhood bully.

"Your childhood nemesis is now an unstoppable meta-human," Cisco stated the obvious gripping his tablet with one hand as he made hand gestures with the other, "that is seriously messed up." It was messed up. But at least Kat didn't have a child nemesis..... anymore. She didn't think anyone could hurt her the way he did. No one.

"I had a childhood nemesis," Caitlin spoke also holding a tablet. Her brown curls bounced slightly as she spoke, "Lexi La Roche. She used to put gum in my hair."

"Jake Puckett," Cisco spoke like he was remembering exactly how his nemesis looked. Like he wanted to punch him, "if I didn't let him copy my homework he'd give me a swirly." Kat smirked at the thought of Cisco in that position. Nerd.

"Now that we've all established that we're all uber-nerds, what're we gonna do about Tony?" Barry asked getting back on topic. He seemed like he really wanted to get rid of the bigger man. His question caused a smile to appear on Cisco's face.

"I'm glad you asked." He walked out causing everyone to follow. Kat really didn't want to go but Barry called her name making her stand. She quietly followed everyone else down the narrow corridor of the building. Cisco was practically bouncing. "We're gonna train you man," he stopped in front of a door, "karate kid style." His grin never left his face as he opened the door. "Behold!" In the room was a robot looking dummy with little pole poking out of its sides. "I call him Girder." Kat rolled her eyes really wanting to leave the group of nerds who watched her twenty four seven. She couldn't even go in the kitchen anymore. She couldn't go back to the West household since Joe didn't trust her. Not one bit. She was drawn out of her thoughts when Barry had landed on his arm letting out a groan.

"I'm pretty sure I just dislocated my shoulder." He held his shoulder as he got up. Caitlin had taken Barry to the med bay to fix his shoulder while Cisco insisted she stay with him. As usual, he was working on some sciencey stuff while she walked around his workspace being in there for the first time. She took up a physics book looking through it looking over at Cisco when he spoke.

"I could teach you if you want." He looked a little timid. Almost like he expected her to jump at his throat. Of course she wouldn't do that to him. She would immediately regret. Cisco was the funny one, even if she didn't want to admit it, she didn't want anything to happen to him. But did she really want to learn physics.

"I'm not a big fan of science," she shrugged. He chuckled softly relaxing a little. His curly, raven hair jiggled ever so slightly as he spoke.

"What if I change your mind?" She stayed silent. "I could homeschool you. That way, you could still know something, and maybe get a job here at S.T.A.R Labs. But, I must warn you, it doesn't really pay much." He smiled at her really hoping she would say yes. He always thought he'd be a great teacher. Plus, maybe he could get closer to her. Help her to not feel.... alone. He truly cared about her like a little sister. His smile grew as she nodded with a small smile of her own. "How about we start next week?"

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