Chapter 22

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They all gathered in the cortex of S.T.A.R Labs, waiting for Barry to make a move. His back faced everyone in the room as he looked up at his suit, this only making the moment all the more tense. Professor Stein, who Kat had just learned to be half of FIRESTORM, -along with Ronnie, Caitlin's beloved- stood alongside her as she wiped her clammy hands in her sweats.

Without a word, Barry turned around, giving Kat a knowing look. She took a breath, her heart in her throat. She wasn't sure she would survive this. Because if she didn't die from what was to come, then someone else would. She gave him a small nod, following him out the room.

"You ready for this?" He asked, hand hovering over the controls of the metal door in front of them.

"Nope." He only nodded before opening the door, a dark look falling upon his face as the man who ruined their lives stood on the other side of the glass door. Kat was at a loss for words as the excruciating seconds seemed like hours. The mixture of emotions brewing in her stomach like hot coffee on a Monday morning only got stronger with every moment that passed by.

Barry took a step forward, his mouth opening but words seemed to have taken a full one eighty right on back. Wells's emotionless gaze settled on them.

"What? No Big Belly Burger?" He joked, earning a scoff from Kat.

"Yeah, maybe I can whip one up after I gut you," she said stepping forward with only Barry's hand stopping her. She glanced at him before taking a breath.

"You would, wouldn't you?" The evil speedster questioned before focusing on Barry. Kat didn't know whether to be offended or proud, but she knew what his shady words meant. "It's one of the few perks of living in this time. We're out of cows where I come from. You don't care about that," he said barely putting a pause between his words as he took a step forward, "you have questions. Go ahead."

"Not sure where to start.... Thawne. That is your real name, Eobard Thawne." Said man stopped his pacing as he agreed.

"Since the day I was born."


"And when was that?"

"136 years from now." Her brows knitted together, the thought of time travel, even after everything she's seen, still sounded insane.

Wait, but that means that this guy's been disrespecting his elders all this time. Rude.

"That's not what you want to know. Go ahead, ask it." Kat studied his face for a second wondering if he found humor in any of this.

"Why did you kill our mother?" Barry asked, his eyes now glossy with tears. Not knowing what emotion would explode if she even glanced at her enemy, she kept her head low.

"Because I hate you," was the answer. And the look in his eyes told her his words were nothing but the truth. "Not you now, but you years from now."

"In the future," Barry figured.

"In a future. Yes. It doesn't... matter anymore." Another scoff left her lips as she stepped forward. With his back turned, he leaned his weight onto the wall.

"Actually, it does. Just-" she stopped, registering the light popping behind her. "You have some grudge against my brother for some twisted reason, I don't get what I have to do with this."

"You have everything to do with this!" She flinched at his tone, trying not to let her mind wander back. "What does matter is that neither of us was strong enough to defeat the other... until I learned your secret." He glanced back at them. "I learned your name. Barry Allen."

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