Chapter 15

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"You shouldn't have seen that." She froze. Slowly turning around, she looked at the man in the wheel chair in shock and disgust. If he was only going to destroy Barry, why help him in the first place?

"Who are you?"

"Story for another time." Before she could ask what he meant, there was a flash of yellow. Everything blurred before her vision was completely black. But in her last few moments of consciousness, she had figured it out. Dr. Wells had murdered her mother.

With a groan, the brunette held up her head, trying to rub her throbbing cranium only to realise she was restrained.

"Welcome back Miss Allen," the voice of Dr. Wells boomed through the dull, quiet room. She looked up at the man almost not recognizing him. He wore a suit similar to Barry's, but only, his was yellow. Then it hit her, the article, the date, the futuristic stuff.

"You sick son-of-a-"

"I'm guessing you've already figured it out. I murdered your mother. My real name is Ewbard Thawne and I'm from the year 2049. But of course," he pulled out a silver vial fidgeting with it before holding it up, "you won't remember any of this."

"What is that?" He brought it closer to her before kneeling to her level, "get away from me." Her eyes spared an orange colour for only a split second, Ewbard seemed to find it funny. Shaking his head with a small chuckle, he stood up.

"That won't work. You're restrains," he gestured to the cuff like things anchoring her to the chair, "are dampening your powers. So you won't be able to escape, unless," he put the vial in a syringe, "I want you to." He looked at her and smiled sadistically before a flash of yellow moved toward her, the man beside her was unrecognisable. His body vibrated blurring out his figure and his eyes glowed red. Her heart pounded against her chest when he lowered it to her neck and spoke in a deep menacing voice. "Nighty night." Then everything went black.

End of flashback

She gasped opening her eyes seeing her brother's worried figure standing over her. She immediately recognized the room as S.T.A.R Labs medbay. How many times is this gonna happen? She really didn't understand why she always woke up in the medbay. Seeing the two scientists, her brother, Iris and Joe, she was really confused until she actually remembered what she just saw.

"Dr. Wells, he's-"

"The Reverse Flash," looking over at Barry for a second, Cisco nodded, "we know." He seemed annoyed and she could tell he was hurt.

"Wait. How did you know that?" Barry's quizzical gaze met hers. But she wasn't sure why she felt nervous under his glance, like he would lock her in a cell for her answer. But he had no reason to do that. Did he?

"It-the room. With the article about...." she looked up at them sensing the realization.

"The time vault,"Caitlin spoke. Her eyebrows creased together. Her skin was shiny and kind of pale. Must be the stress. She didn't like seeing Caitlin in the state she was in, almost broken. She had lost her fiancee, and as if that wasn't enough, she found out her boss was a psychotic murderer.

"H-how do you know about that?" Joe questioned. It was clear he still didn't trust her, but at least he didn't hate her. She wouldn't blame him if he did, she hated herself as it was.

"I saw him go in there, so I waited till he wasn't around to sneak in. But I didn't get a chance to warn you guys cause-"

"He'd already gotten to you," Iris spoke up making her nod. Now that she thought about it, she really missed Iris as someone she could call a big sister. But anger boiled in her at the realization that the sick bastard had murdered her mother in cold blood, forcing her to live a life of neglect and abuse. She had always blamed herself for not being good enough, but now she was ready to send this guy six feet under and not care. He was going to feel her wrath. The only thing standing in her way was her own guilt that she would feel if she did in fact take his life out of anger. Plus she didn't want to ruin the bond that she was slowly forming with everyone. She couldn't help but wonder what Iris thought of her now that she knew what she did. Dies she think if me as a murderer?

You are!

Covering up the wince she let out, she cleared her throat, looking to Barry who was already staring at her. She feared he had figured her out, but not wanting to take a chance, she went on to ask a question.

"What do we do now?" No one could get a word out before Joe's phone began to ring. He answered it shortly before looking over at Barry.

"It's work. We should go." Barry nodded before looking back at Kat. She wasn't sure why, but she gave him a reassuring smile before he left with Joe.

"Can I talk to Kat alone?" Iris asked looking toward Cisco and Caitlin. Those words caused Kat's nerves to go haywire dreading what would come next. She watched as both scientists left secretly hoping one of them would stay behind. Iris sat at the end of the bed looking at Kat emotionless. "What happened?" Kat knew this day would come. She knew, but she kind of wish it didn't have to. As tears brimmed in her eyes,she kept her gaze on the floor as bits and peices of her "childhood", if you could call it that, flashed through her mind. She felt a hand on her knee, "it's okay. You can talk to me." But I don't want to. I want to forget.

"I won't let you," she glared at the nonexistent figure a few feet from her. She felt like screaming as fresh tears ran down her cheeks. And without so much as another breath, she broke down. She didn't want to. She didn't want to be weak anymore. She didn't want to cry. But Iris' soft embrace was enough for her to start spilling out everything front the beginning of her life.

"Forgive yourself," Emma's soft voice floated through her head.

Sorry for the 50 million years of waiting. I know this is a crappy chapter but, I'll try my best to update more often. Thanks so much for 1k reads!! I really never expected this book to go this far. Don't forget to vote and comment!:)

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