Chapter 20

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They stopped in the dark area of the airport, ready to execute the third part of the plan. Getting the metas on the plane to which the last part would be getting to the island and locking them up for good.

Caitlin and Joe left the car walking up to Barry and Snart. The young girl sat in the car a little longer, taking in how vital she was to this plan. She couldn't mess this up. She breathed as she stepped out of the car, her eyes landing on the truck not too far from the car she stood by. Her stomach growled making her laugh softly at how she forgot to eat.

She stood next to the adults as her stomach growled again. She looked away in embarrassment.

"Here." She looked down at the twinkies being handed to her. Her blue orbs trailed to the arm that was outstretched with the small snack. She narrowed them, hesitantly taking it from the pale man she did not one bit trust, but was too hungry to refuse. She snatched it, taking a bite before she looked up at the sound of the plane coming in.

Cisco's frantic voice sounded muffled as her ears felt like cotton balls had been stuffed in them. She watched in shock as the plane blew up not too far from them. Sweat formed on her forehead as her head started pounding. She looked down at the twinkie in her now clammy hands and back up at the smirking bastard. She didn't even have time to be angry.

"Can you do something?" Barry's frantic voice directed at Cisco who tapped his tablet screen furiously.

"I'm trying!" Black dots clouded her vision as lightening struck from the dark clouds if the night. Her stomach churned as nausea took over.

"Oh no," she could hear Caitlin mumble bringing all their attention to her line of sight. A spiking headache set in as she unconsciously bent over, burning liquid coming from her throat.

"Hey, are you okay?" Barry asked his obviously not okay sibling, not receiving an answer when the back doors of the truck flew open. In that moment, Kat knew it all went south. Joe raised his gun on case of attack.

"Trip's cancelled!" One meta yelled. A smirk played on his lips as the other four stood behind him. One guy swung off the door, an unsettling smile spreading across his face. Kat stepped forward only to be held back by a worrying Caitlin who shook her head. She nodded, stepping out of reach to stand by her brother who was most definitely already playing out in his head how much he had messed up.

"Take your last breath," Mist said, his predatory eyes never leaving them. He jumped from the truck disipitatung into green gas spreading out in front of them.

How ill-mannered, spreading your gas like that in public

They all ran for cover behind the car, Joe shooting already and Barry dealing with Mist. She took in a deep breath, the simple action of moving out of the way taking a toll on her. She clutched her stomach, getting on her knees.

"That caniving piece of-" she jumped when a bang sounded from behind her. She looked around before looking through the windows, the dark tint making it hard to see. With a spinning head, she sent electricity knocking lazor eyes off his feet. She leant against the car, Caitlin rubbing her back before peeking out to look at the chaos. The loud ringing in her ear prevented her from focusing on anything else.

She clutched her ears, slamming her eyes shut but trying to fight the darkness. All she could think was it was her fault and now the metas escaped. Why did she have to listen to her stomach complaining? Why did she take that twinkie? Why did he have twinkie in the first place?! She knew now that it was expired, or poisoned. She once again found herself backstabbed by the same smirking baboon she vowed never to trust again.

"Kat," she faintly heard the voice of Joe calling her name. "Kat!" He yelled once more in worry. She gasped as her pounding head went with her sensitive eyes. Joe still shooting, glanced over at the girl who forced herself to stand. With hands outstretched, electricity serged toward the truck where lazor eyes was still standing. She shocked him to his knees. Literally.

"Okay," she breathed. "I'm out." She held up a peace sign, finally allowing unconsciousness to take over.


With a pounding head, Kat took in a breath as her eyes took time to adjust to the light. She lifted her torso, feet dangling from the white sheeted bed.

"You're up," Caitlin smiled walking in.

"Mhm," she hummed yawning. "Did we win?" Hope filled eyes looked at the brunette woman who lowered her gaze. Taking that as an answer, the girl pinched the bridge of her nose. "It's all my fault." Tears brimmed her eyes. She hated being emotional, seeing it as a sign of weakness. "I shouldn't have-"

"No no, it's not your fault." Caitlin held her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "It was Snart actually, he sabotaged the truck and then-"

"Poisoned me. That snake," she mumbled, venom dripping from her voice.

"But your glucose levels were really low, did you eat anything?"

"No," she said hesitantly. Caitlin's features turned to one of worry. "I... I forgot."

"You forgot to eat?"

"Yeah. I was so excited to finally just be a hero working with my favourite people ever.... it just slipped my mind I guess. I thought that if I could just help with this one thing, then maybe you wouldn't see me as a villain anymore and-"

"Kat." Caitlin pulled her in for a hug. "I don't see you as a villain. None of us do. You're family. And you always will be." Caitlin pulled away, a reassuring smile on her lips. "Eat up," she said handing the girl a Big Belly Burger bag. Kat smiled at the woman's retreating figure.

"Family," she muttered before basically swallowing the whole burger, almost choking. She was happy that they had accepted her as family, but the fact that she had once been a villain still stood. Not to mention, she was also a murderer and a thief. She had made an anonymous call to the police stating where she had hidden the duffel bags of money she stole, but that still didn't even come close to making up for what she had done.

Shame and guilt washed over her as she stood feeling much better. Physically at least. She stretched, then red lights started flashing above her. She briskly made her way to the cortex after grabbing her mask from the desk next her the bed.

"What's going on?" She asked as she entered the cortex. Her nerves spiked with anxiety at Cisco's words.

"The accelerator. It's fully charged."

Long overdue, I know. Sorry for the long wait. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote, comment and any suggestions you have, drop 'em here.

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