Chapter 8

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Flashes of Sean ran through her head as her fist came down harder. She was full on ready to kill him when she was pulled off of him by two strong arms wrapping around her waist. She could feel the electricity ready to go wild. She was going to explode if she didn't leave. And that's exactly what she did. She ran, and she never looked back. Her knuckles were stained with the warm red liquid. Her nose was bleeding, her face was pale and bruised. How did this happen?


"So you wanna come over to my place?" Kat looked hopefully to her bestfriend at her side. Angie looked reluctant. "What's wrong?"

"I just-are we.... together?" Her brows furrowed. Her cheeks were pink of embarrassment from the question. But she just had to know. Kat was taken aback by the question.

"Uh, I dunno. D'you, like, want us to be?" Before another word could be spoken, the annoying laugh of a certain idiot filled their ears.

"Oh my gosh. Guys are you seeing this?" Justin asked his friends who laughed along with him. She doubted they even found it funny. Justin was just an idiot, and a bully. "What we got right here," he gestured to the pair, "are a couple......of fags." Kat rolled her eyes grabbing Angie's hand to lead her away but Justin's towering figure blocked her. She didn't want to fight. She didn't want to lose control. She didn't want to have to kill anyone again. Deep down, she had a good heart. She just didn't know it yet. "Where do you think you're going?" Kat had had it with this kid. She could no longer suppress the anger she was trying to hide. It was the last straw as her fist connected with his jaw causing him to fall on his back. But she didn't stop there. She got on her knees, straddling him. Despite Angie's pleas, she simply just could not hold back anymore of the anger she felt. And this dipshit was just the person she needed to let out a little. Because that wasn't even the surface of how much she really wanted to hurt someone, to let it all out. Maybe if she did, she could possibly kill every soul in Central City. At least, that's what Caitlin told her. That could possibly wipe out the whole earth if she ever got too overwhelmed. She could see the fear in Caitlin's eyes as the words left her mouth. She didn't want to hurt anyone, but if the universe was just a tad bit nicer, maybe she wouldn't have been that way. Maybe she would have been a better person. Maybe she wouldn't be in the moment she was now.

End of flashback

She knew she couldn't go home. That was the first place they would look for her. The only other place she could go was.... S.T.A.R labs. But if she did, Barry would find her there. She didn't have a choice. She sighed running her hand through her hair as she ran down the bright street earning a few stairs. She wiped her hand on her shirt before zipping up her jacket to hide the blood. She took a detour into the woods close by. No electricity, no people, no problems. Just nature. It was quiet. The only thing being heard were her breaths and leaves crunching under her shoes. She sat on a fallen tree thinking. If she went to S.T.A.R labs, they would most likely lock her up in the pipeline. The last time she went there, Barry was dealing with The Mist as Cisco had called the man. She groaned kicking a small rock that was in front of her. Hearing footsteps rapidly moving toward her, she stood up ready to fight only to see Angie looking at her.

"H-how did you find me?" She asked worried Angie had lead people there. But, she wouldn't do that, would she? Angie was her best friend. She wouldn't sell her out.

"The tracker on your phone. Remember?" Kat smiled at the memory of them installing the trackers so they would always find each other no matter what. She had gotten a new phone thanks to Iris. "Why did you run?" Angie looked more serious, a little hurt even.

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