Chapter 24

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"Where're you going?"

"To have a little chat with an evil genius from the future."

"I'll come with."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kat watched as Cisco rummaged through his lab, looking for something. No one thought it a good idea for her to go into the pipeline, to which she understood but she secretly wanted to have a one on one with Ew-bard.

"Yeah. I promise I won't do anything."

"Aha! I found it." He held up the papers in front of him, looking them over. "Okay, let's go." He patted her on the shoulder, barely sparing her a glance as he left. Quickly following after him, she took a second longer to go in. His fidgeting steps had him occupied, not noticing her enter. Thawne held the papers, an eerie calmness on his face.

"Something on your mind Cisco?" He asked, his backhandedness showing right through.

"No... yes. How did you fit your Reverse-Flash suit into that little ring? Is it some sort of compressed micro tech? Or- actually, forget it. I don't care.... maybe a little." The restless scientist seemed oblivious to the fact that his words went unheard by the speedster.

"Ronnie's right, I should've accounted for the temporal shearing," he said, his voice agitating the girl to no end. She found herself wondering why they were trusting this man after all he had done. And it was fairly evident that he knew something they didn't.

"Glad I was still good for something." Kat looked down at her fiddling fingers. She knew how much Cisco trusted and looked up to him. For him to turn out to be the bad guy? She could only imagine how he felt. Thawne looked up from the papers.

"I never underestimated your contribution, Cisco." Kat's phone buzzed in her pocket, pulling her from the trash that left Thawne's mouth. Her eyes almost bulged from her skull after reading the one message on the screen. She didn't know whether to respond or not. But her interest was piqued. She pondered on how to answer, and then whether or not she should have. 

Her contemplative thoughts came to a halt as Cisco stormed out of the room. As the silver door closed, she glared at it, torn on whether to go after him or have a "heart-to-heart" with her brother's opposite. She opted on running after her friend.

"Wait- Cisco. What happened? Did he say something-" Seeing that she was being ignored by the irate man, the girl sighed and thought for a moment. "I guess now works." She made her way back into the pipeline, looking at the keypad she had forgotten how to use. She followed Cisco's hand motions, getting it right after the eleventh time. She looked into Thawne's eyes, disgust heavy on her features.

"What? Don't tell me you hate me too."  His smug remark had the lights a dazzling bright. "Careful. They might find out you're here." She wanted to get angry. She wanted to open the cell and deal with him her way. Instead, she begrudgingly took a few breaths to calm herself, the lights emulating her.

"I hate you."


"Why? You scared?" Thawne chuckled, rubbing his finger under his chin. The corner of her lips twitched up, seeing the slight discomfort in his actions.

"Of what? You?" He chuckled once again, before taking a step toward the cell glass and pointing a finger at her. "No, no. You're small. I can squash you. Easy." He paced, making her confused but enjoying his irritation.

"Right." She was not at all convinced, which had him throwing taunting words at her.

"You're just a pawn that anyone can use and throw away. Nobody really cares." With the little patience the girl had left, she realized what he was trying to do. Not to say it wasn't working, but she was battling to keep her emotions at bay. She did feel used. She did feel like she was disposable. But she also knew she was loved.

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