Chapter 14

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Only a few months had passed, and in spite of the minimal hospitality, Kat hated it. All she wanted was to be at S.T.A.R Labs with people she actually knew. People she could call family. Even though a few months ago she would never admit it, but she actually missed them. In that short time she was there, Central City became her home. She missed Angie, the girl who kept her secret and kept her from exposing herself. Kat really wanted to hold the blue eyed beauty even just one more time. She also missed being Electra. And even though no one really saw her alter ego, she still missed the feeling of being able to go out there and try to make people safer. So much from a girl who had killed people before.

Sean still wouldn't leave her alone and she still hadn't seen Emma since that night. The man wouldn't let her forget about it. He wouldn't let her let go of the guilt. She barely slept or ate. The large purple bags under her eyes almost turned black, her figure was almost as thin as a stick and her naturally pale skin had somehow gotten paler, accentuating her brunette hair. She could have tried to escape anytime she wanted to, but she would always remember what Barry told her just before she left. She knew he would try everything to get her back, but he would most likely fail, the place was heavily guarded with security. Amanda Waller was a woman who got what she wanted by blackmailing, threats, lying, and cheating. And Kat wasn't willing to let her win this time.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way Kat. Your choice." Amanda Walker's voice came from the other side of the glass from where Kat was strapped to an electric chair. Since Kat had gotten into Argus, she found out that when Argus took her that night, they managed to experiment on her for three years. And when the particle accelerator went off, the dark matter activated the serums and what not in her system, giving her her powers. But she was not giving the woman the satisfaction of turning her into a weapon. She just hoped she got out before it got too much.

"Nope," Kat said rather loudly looking at her reflection knowing the old hag was behind it. She laughed only angering the dark skinned woman who kept herself composed with an emotionless face.

"The hard way it is." She signaled the white haired man behind the machine. He flipped a switch and pushed a few buttons before Kat's screams could be heard. It was hard not to just absorb the shock waves that came over her body. Her pained cries only grew louder with the more power the man cranked the machine with. "Alright, that's enough for to-" before she could finish her sentence, her phone rang in her pocket. Fishing it out, she answered it without looking at the caller ID while glancing at Kat, who whimpered at the pain. Her skin had purple bruise marks and was oily with sweat, she felt like she just came out of world war 2. Once finished with her call, Amanda walked into the room with three other men behind her. "Looks like you're going home, but we will be back for you."

"What?" Kat's once squinted eyes grew wide with surprise. After all the torture and still getting nothing, they're about to let me go? Ignoring the last sentence, she looked at the woman.

"Yes. We have a more pressing matter in Gotham City. We'll alert your brother of your release." Walking over to her, the three men gently undid her restraints. They knew what she was capable of, and they didn't want to mistreat her in front of their boss who was obviously not happy about leaving what could be her best project yet. With wobbly legs and a light head, she stood up, more than ready to leave. She was ready to see her family again. She was ready to see Angie. And she didn't quite get over the fact that Micheal tried, and failed miserably, to kill her. The last one being the least of her worries. The woman walked away leaving Kat to be escorted back to her room, well, her cell. A smile spread across her face as she sat on her bed. I'm going home.

"Don't get your hopes up. You'll probably go back to nothing good." She was in such a bright mood, not even Sean's cynical laugh didn't have as much effect on her as it usually did. The wave of relief that washed over her made her heart leap and her palms sweaty. But she could care less. She was going home. "But what are they gonna think of you when you get back. I mean, you did help murder me." Even though it hurt to admit it, Sean was right, like he was most if the time. The joy in her thoughts disappeared as she thought of the disappointed looks on their faces when they saw her played in her mind. Now she wasn't even sure she was ready to see them. But with the resting thought of her going home, she fell into a dreamless sleep.


Three black Chevrolet vehicles were escorting Kat to the West household. She fidgeted with her fingers nervously sitting in the back seat of the car. What if they want to be around her because if what she did? What if they see her as a killer? As a monster? Why should I care what they think? Sitting upright in her seat, she took a breath leaving all the negativity behind. Stepping out of the car, she looked up at the house before her eyes landed on the three people on the doorstep. Her heartbeat quickened and she couldn't seem to move from where she stood. When she saw the small but warm smiles on their faces, she didn't notice the sad look they held. Breaking into a full on sprint,she was welcomed with open arms by the family she had always wanted. She just wanted to stay like that forever. She was overjoyed with relief that they didn't hate her after all she did, especially Barry. Hearing the cars drive away, she let go to look at the people in front of her.

"We missed you kiddo," Joe said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I missed you too." She looked at all of them. Her eyes locked with Barry's, who looked like he had a hard time keeping his smile on his face. It made her confused. Is he not happy to see me? She looked at Iris and Joe, who both had the same look. "What's wrong?" She felt a lump in her throat dreading what was about to be said. What happened while she was gone? Joe looked at Barry with sad eyes. The younger man kneeled in front of her looking her in the eyes. She could see that he was deeply upset about something, angry, even.

"We know who murdered mom."

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