Chapter 11

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"So, uh..... velocity is speed with direction. Displacement is the direction from the starting point and the length of a straight line from the starting point to the finishing point." Cisco nodded feeling proud of the girl. He had been teaching her physics for the past couple of days and she had gotten really good.

"Okay that's it for today okay? You'll learn about static and kinetic friction." The girl smiled and nodded before heading out the door of Cisco's lab. He was a really good teacher. Or maybe she was just a fast learner. As she rounded the corner of the long corridor, she spotted Dr. Wells stopping in front of the wall. She stopped wanting to see what he was about to do. He pressed his hand against the wall and it opened. She rolled her eyes not at all surprised by his secrecy. Every villain has a lair. He entered and the wall went back together. She made a mental note to check it out later. Or she could catch him red handed. She smirked before walking up to the wall and copying his actions. The door opened and she entered. The room was plane with little bubbles looking things on the wall. And a yellow suit.

"What are you doing here Miss Allen?" Kat turned to the man and looked at him standing.

"I'm not surprised," she looked around gesturing to the room. She then spotted a screen behind him. "What's that?"

"I'm.... documenting." He then turned back around and started talking.

"And while his desire to help others is commendable, it is impeding him from realizing the full scope of his abilities." Kat furrowed her eyes at his words. And how the screen wrote whatever he spoke. "But there's still time as the future remains intact."

"You are so dramatic." He glared at her. Such a sour wolf.

"Gideon, close entry."

"Who's Gideon?" A blue bald headed...... head appeared in front of him.

"Hello Miss Allen." Gideon looked at her with a permanent smile on her face. At least, that's what Kat saw.

"Oh, Gideon."

"Gideon, is an artificial intelligence program," Dr. Wells explained. Artificial intelligence. Kat nodded in thought. What if Gideon could tell her what she needed to know about Dr. Wells? Of course she wouldn't do it now when he was in the room. "Let's go." He gestured to disguised doorway before sitting in his chair. She was unsure of how the door opened but stepped in front of it nonetheless. It opened up revealing the same corridor she was just roaming. Looking back at the man for a second, she left the small room with one goal. Find out who Dr. Wells really was.

She decided she would take a shower. She always heard it to be where you get the best ideas. But instead of thinking, she started singing. A song she had learned whenever she 'borrowed' Cisco's tablet. She really loved the song. And the one from Ghostbusters.

"I didn't know you could sing," Caitlin said as Kat entered the cortex still singing. She shrugged and flashed Caitlin a smile. She had been smiling a lot now. She was laughing and talking more. It made her regret ever doing the things she did.

"If Barry can do it, she can," Cisco said walking in.

"Barry can sing?" Kat never knew her brother could sing. Though, he did look like the type. It made her wonder which one of their parents they got it from. One thought led to another and she was wondering if she would ever see her father. Before she could ask about it, Barry walked in. She just then noticed that Dr. Wells was in the room.

"Facial recognition software...... it's designed for archeologists. And it should help ID your crispy corpse,"Cisco explained to Barry when he recieved a quizzical look.

"The question is, how did he get fired in the first place?" All eyes turned to Kat who was spinning around in a chair with her head to the ceiling.

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