Chapter 19

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"Your vitals are normal, but you're just a little dehydrated," Caitlin told the disheveled blonde man they had just found. They were all in the med bay waiting for Caitlin to be done with Eddie's checkup. "The IV should help with that, but drink some fluids and stay off your feet, okay Eddie?" He looked as if he wasn't even down to earth.

"Thanks Caitlin." He gave her a small, appreciative smile.

Kat jumped when a flash of lightening came into the room. A painting Barry bending over with his palms resting on his knees.

"Wells got away," he informed. "Oh, he was too fast. He's always too fast." He stood up straight finally noticing the formerly missing  man. "Eddie."

"We found him under that hatch in the pipeline," Cisco said with folded arms. Kat stood by the entrance as Barry moved next to Iris relieved to see Eddie safe again.

"I'm so sorry. I-I-I thought I looked everywhere for you." Barry's guilt filled eyes glanced at Iris for a second. He stood directly in front of Eddie who's drooping eyes could barely handle a smile.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Sometimes you can't see the clues, even if they're right in front of you." His blue eyes traveled to Iris, who uncomfortably looked away. Kat thought over his shady words thinking back to the article she found in that room. The memory was very vague, but she could one hundred percent bet Wells had said something. People don't just say shady things without having reason behind it. Especially when dealing with people from the future.

"Um, well, you know, all that's important is that we're all safe and back together, right?" She placed a hand on his shoulder . He had a look that said he wanted to say something but was holding back and it was killing him, yet, he smiled at her.

Kat's brows furrowed when she had a thought completely irrelevant to the situation.

How bad is his breath after so long?

"Eddie, why did he take you?" Joe asked. Eddie sighed, a sad and uneasy look settling on his features.

"I don't know. He said that we're.... family." Kat folded her arms stepping around the desk standing next to Cisco, disbelief evident in her face. "Said his real name was Eobard Thawne."

Joe's wide eyes looked to Cisco in realization. Kat cringed  just remembering the very moment the evil man had revealed that to her, back in her darker days. That was one of many things she knew but didn't tell them, or maybe she it just slipped her mind.

But I'll stick with Ew-bard

"Eobard Thawne? Just like in my dream," he said looking up at Barry.

"Did he say anything else?" Joe questioned, his detective skills coming to light. "I mean anything that could help us figure out what he's really after?"

"I-he didn't say much. He kept working on some tube."

"A tube? What did it look like?" The latino questioned.

"Metallic and futuristic. He said it was the key to him getting back everything that was taken from him." Eddie's breaths came out as sighs while Kat's mind wandered back to a thought.

Was he really a villain, or just broken?

"Key? I don't understand. Wha-"

"Yeah, I don't know," he said cutting Barry off. "Look, I just wanna go home. Is that okay?" He said with a sigh as Iris reached for his hand.

"Yes, of course." Caitlin removed an IV tube from his hand.

"I'll make sure he gets some rest," Iris said helping him up. Kat went to sit at one of the desks to side. She opted to play a computer game when a beeping sound came from the main computer.

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