Chapter 16

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Vulnerability. The feeling Kat hated the most. At least that's what she thought until she met guilt. But opening up to people, made her feel vulnerable. It made her feel broken. Maybe she was. But there was no time to think of that when she was in the predicament she found herself in. Talking to the general, who seemed to be in some kind of trance. Honestly, Kat wasn't really all that interested, but for the sake of catching up, she payed attention.

"Eiling not here." His voice was deep and sounded as if he was just learning to talk. "Eiling bad."

Kat furrowed her brows. This guy had to have been crazy right? But with all that had happened in the past few months, Kat knew better than to think this guy escaped from a mental hospital.

"Maybe he's being mind-controlled," she shrugged. Eiling glanced at her with those soulless eyes making her take a slight step back. Not out of fear, but out of discomfort.

"Or," Cailtin interjected walking forwards with a tablet in her hand, as usual. Kat glanced at it, not understanding a thing. Honestly, she wasn't sure if she wanted to understand. "Maybe it's some kind of psychotic break presenting itself as dissociative identity disorder." Kat was about to suggest something when Eiling, or whoever he was at the moment, turned to Caitlin.

"Caitlin. Caitlin good."

"Oh, uh. Thank you?" Leaving everyone in the room speechless, Eiling just stared blankly, no emotions, no nothing. And quite frankly, Kat found it very disturbing. Not much disturbed her anymore. After all the stuff that went down in her past, no one could use that to bring her down anymore. She forgave herself, no longer hearing those nasty voices, that one in particular, she was now a free girl.

No one can use my past to break me, it's what made me. Stolen line.

"Mm, forget multiple personalities. You guys have seen the exorcist right?" Cisco asked with furrowed brows. It made her wonder if he was actually expecting someone to answer his question. She would have taken the liberty of doing so, but never got the chance. She had seen the movie, and she loved it. It was one of the many movie recommendations she had gotten from Cisco. But her mind couldn't help but wander back to Angie, and the many nights they spent watching movies together. Her train of thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Joe West.

"You and your movies." Kat sighed almost agitated that no one was listening to her. She leaned her weight on one foot making sure to step behind everyone else incase she had to make a run for it. She trusted that the cage could hold him, but everything had a breaking point, right? He then turned turned back to the man behind the glass touching Barry's arm. "Keep talking to him, he seems to respond to you."

"Why is Eiling bad?" Barry interrogated. Kat then looked at the man's fluffy hair. It looked like he hadn't even considered giving it a little brushing. Not that she was judging, she was even considering just chopping off her hair. Honestly, he looked like he'd been living in a cave. Was he always that pale?

"Eiling, hurt me." His deep voice sounded rusty as his lips barely even moved. The spaces between his words made her think he really was just learning to talk or something. She didn't even remember ever seeing this guy. Or maybe she did. Just once.


"General Eiling," Amanda Waller shook the hand of the general who had just walked in. They both turned to look at the girl who was sitting in an electrical chair awaiting yet another 10000 volts of electricity. The woman knew if this girl didn't have some kind of ability, she would definitely be dead by now.

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