Chapter 3

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She fluttered her eyes open slowly but quickly shutting them after seeing the bright lights above. She must have been in a hospital. Her eyes widened at the realization.


If she was in a hospital, they would want to contact her parents or something, which she didn't even have. What if they found out what she had done? She shot up starting to take off tubes and all the wiring and needles. The beeping noise only made her head throb. It exploded as she glared at it, then the lights flickered for a moment. She furrowed her brows.

"Oh my gosh. Dr Wells get in here right now," a latino man with shoulder length hair said urgently coming over to her followed by a brunette woman. They looked very young. Too young. Why aren't they in uniforms like normal nurses. Her eyes widened.

"Did you kidnap me? Where am I? Why am I here?"

"Woah, take it easy kid. You're at S.T.A.R labs. I'm Cisco" he pointed at himself then at the brunette who was shining a flashlight in her eyes, "that's Dr. Snow."

"What-what am I doing here? What happened?"

"You were hit by a blast of energy," a voice said. Cisco stepped aside to reveal a man in a wheelchair whom she had assumed was Dr. Wells. "My colleague here," he gestured to Dr. Snow, "had found you outside the building. So tell me, what were you doing back there?"

Taking a smoke. "I was....thinking. They wouldn't let me in so...." she trailed off.

He gestured for her to follow. She looked down at the hospital gown she was wearing hoping they hadn't noticed her scars. She reluctantly followed looking at Cisco who nodded reassuringly.

"I know you weren't just thinking."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine, I wasn't just thinking. I was also getting high. Happy?" She asked sarcastically. He wanted the truth so she gave it to him. He nodded thoughtfully.

"Where'd you get those scars?"

She eyed him suspiciously as she followed him down the seemingly never ending hallway.

"I was in a lot of fights." It was the excuse she used everytime someone asked her that question. Some had questioned her further while others just let it go. She was hoping he would let it go.

"Please, stop lieing. Those scars could not be obtained from fights-"

"Well, they were so....."

He nodded stopping where they could both look down at what once was the particle accelerator.

"Wow, that's gotta hurt,"she said looking down at the failed machine.

"How so?"

"From what I've heard, this thing was supposed to give knowledge or something. You'd done something great and then, it just blows up in your face."

"Yes well, things don't always work out," he paused, "so, who did you come with? You seemed to be waiting for someone."

"Uh, my-my brother."

"Does your brother happen to be Barry Allen?"

"Yeah, d'you know him?" She sounded a little too happy for her own liking.

"Well, he was one of our patients. Much like yourself. He was worried about you."

She almost rolled her eyes. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. She was her own girl. She didn't need sympathy from anyone. She hummed in response. Then Dr. Snow came around the corner.

"Dr. Wells, I was just on the phone with Barry Allen, he said something about super speed?" She said more like a question.

He nodded. "Well," he looked at me,"Dr. Snow will show you to some clothes," he looked at Dr. Snow, "get the van ready. Tell Mr. Allen to meet us at the airstrip. Oh, and notify him of Miss Allen's recovery." He wheeled off. Dr. Snow gave a soft smile.

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