Chapter 6

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"Seriously, I've been to your house four times already, you should come to mine. Today, I mean, my parents are on a business trip," Angie told the brunette who laughed at her.

"Are you planning to throw a party or something?"

"Maybe. But seriously. Please," she batted her eyes at her. Kat couldn't help but admire the girl. Over the past few weeks, their friendship had blossomed. And most of the school's population would smile at them when they walked down the halls now. That was how they met Kylie, a ginger haired girl on the cheer leading team. She was actually the nicest cheerleader. Kat liked that she didn't act all perfect and stuckup like the rest of the team. They had also grown close to another. A raven haired boy, Noah. Kylie secretly had a crush on him, but of course, she wasn't going to tell him that anytime soon. Kat had totally forgotten what she had said at the beginning about expanding her circle. What's wrong with having more friends?

More people to stab you in the back, that voice always lingered at the back of her mind.

"Just us two?" Angie nodded eagerly. "Fine." Kat couldn't say no to those hypnotic blue eyes.

Wait, what?

They both walked hand in hand to their next class. Every now and then, Kat would steal glances at Angie. Little did she know Angie was doing the same thing. School ended fairly quickly. A ping sounded from Kat's phone. It was from Iris giving her the okay of staying at Angie's. She sighed.

"You're riding with me," Angie said putting an arm around Kat's shoulder.

"And where exactly is this ride?" Angie gestured to the bicycle in front of them. "Oh heck no." She shook her head.

"Come on. I promise I won't let you fall." Angie held both her hands. Kat lightly blushed at the contact but allowed the girl to pull her.

"Fine. But if I do fall, you're paying my hospital bill." Angie laughed and muttered an ok. She didn't know it but to Kat, her laugh was like angelic music. Maybe her parents knew they'd make such beauty and gave her the perfect name. She got on the bicycle as Angie pedalled away.

"Nice place," Kat commented on the large beige coloured house.

"Thanks. Come on. My room's this way," Angie led her to a beautiful bedroom. She liked Angie's style. BTS posters on the smoothly painted red walls. She sat on the silky bed sheets.

"Wow," she rubbed her hands over the covers before jumping back further into it.

"So you wanna watch a movie or something?" Kat hummed in response still admiring the bed covers. Angie laughed at her actions before searching for a movie. "Aren't you gonna take off your jacket?" Angie noticed the girl hadn't made a move to get even more comfortable as they watched Stranger Things. She froze before shaking her head. "Why?" Angie pressed.

"Nothing I- I don't wanna talk about it." Angie sat beside her wrapping an arm around her. She deeply cared for the girl. She just didn't really notice until now. She rubbed her arm gently.

"It's ok. You can talk to me." And just like that, Kat broke down. Maybe it was the fact Angie was so easy to talk to or her touch made her feel like she could just break down her walls for her. Even if she didn't like being vulnerable. "Hey, hey, it's ok. I've got you," she cooed. Soon after, Kat had managed to tell her story. From the beginning. Everything. Making her swear not to tell anyone.


So, what happened to Sean that night when she left? Here's your answer.

After she nailed his ugly ass to the ground, she tortured the son of a bitch.

"You don't like that? Huh? Well, at least now you know how it feels.... to be tormented. Constant pain." She ran the knife through his flesh replicating the scars he left on her face. She then lifted his shirt carving the same ones he had placed on her skin. She would have done his legs but, she didn't want to see his junk ever again. She chuckled dryly as she looked at her art. "What should I use to detach your limbs? How about a......chainsaw," she suggested like they were two kids trying to come up with a science project. In that moment, she had no idea what mercy was. He hadn't shown her mercy all of her years. Why should she have? She went outside to the small shed where she was forced to do and make unimaginable things. She could barely feel the cold air hitting her skin as adrenaline pumped through her veins. She grabbed the chainsaw testing if it was working before skipping back into the house with the heavy tool. She stood over his pleading body. Though, he would occasionally through snarky comments at her as she contemplated what should go first. "Would you prefer I chop off your right leg or left arm first?"

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