Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day in Starling City. I, for one, hated it. So bright and lively, when in reality, life sucked. Why deceive yourself with such light when all you've ever known was darkness and hatred? Well, that's how it was for me. I just couldn't wait to get away.

"Kat! What the hell're you doing out here?! I told you to clean the house!"

I quickly scrambled to my feet, doing as I was told. Yeah, sucks.

I wouldn't come off as a kid who feared anything. To everyone who knew me -which was rare- or a simple look would suffice, I was closed off. Tough. Same reason for my lack of social skills. And lack of friends. But who needs friends? I had one though. My foster sister, Emma. Key word, had.

After a whole day of cleaning a house of once eight people, now six, I was exhausted. How'd it go from eight to six? Story for another time.

I made sure the house was spotless. Every piece of furniture looked as new as they could, considering they were scratched and worn.

I was the only one of the five children who was forced to do anything. My foster father, Sean, was a real dick. Some people would say monster. Oh, no, no, he was much worse. This was the reason I was going to make my escape.

"Kat!" Mike called. He was the eldest of my four foster brothers. I was the second youngest overall. It just made me sick of the male species. I just hoped my brother was different. My real brother.

I had found a few of my records up in the attic where my foster mother's things were discarded. She was a sweet, beautiful woman. She was the only one, other than Emma, who was nice to me. The only one who really cared. Of course, Sean would take that away. Take her away.

I made my way to Mike. "What?" I deadpanned.

My head snapped to the corner of the room as I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. He pointed his finger in my face.

"Don't talk to me like that again." He jabbed a finger at my forehead. Just because he was finally eighteen, he felt high and mighty. I hated him and his bullcrap. "You missed a spot," he said, walking away with a malicious grin on his face.

He brushed past me slapping me on my butt making me whip around and glare at his head. I rolled my eyes, knowing I could do nothing. I made my way to the bedroom we all had to share. There were three beds, well, mattresses. I had one for myself since I was the only girl, not that it mattered anyway. Even then they wouldn't leave me alone.

The room was empty. The boys were probably out riding bikes or something. With my belongings in my bag where they had always been, I patiently waited for the perfect time to slip away.

It was a little after midnight, I took up my bag slinging it over my shoulder. I slowly crept down the hallway, heading for the front door. I froze hearing the low, menacing voice of Sean McCarthy. I slowly turned around to face him. I was so, so close.

"Where do you think you're going?" He hissed.

I cleared my throat putting on a brave stance. Although it failed miserably as he rose from his seat in the old worn out couch.

"Umm-I-" I was cut off by him wrapping his large hands around my neck, cutting off my air supply. Even then I still managed to glare at him, "you sick bastard." Probably wasn't the best position to say those words.

He grinned. That sick, twisted, menacing grin I would see in my dreams... more like nightmares. It was all the same. I was literally living a nightmare. He was my nightmare.

"You're not going anywhere. You can't just leave. After everything I've done for you! Clothed you! Fed you!" He yelled in my face. I could have drowned in his saliva. He then threw me across the floor like I was some rag doll. But he was an idiot. He threw me right in the kitchen.

I quickly got up, grabbing a knife, getting in an awkward fighting stance. He chuckled darkly.

"What're you gonna do? Stab me?"

When he threw his head back in laughter, I took my chance stabbing him in his crotch. He toppled over in pain, screaming.

"You piece of shit!" Tears almost came to my eyes as I looked at him. But no, I wanted it. I wanted him to suffer the way he made them suffer. I wanted to avenge them.

Third person

She shoved him to the floor, quickly dropping her back pack, searching for his long nails and a hammer. Of course she knew where they were. Sometimes when he was too damn lazy or wasted to do anything, he would force her to fix furniture or cut the lawn. What she was about to do was far from fixing furniture, infact, it was far from fixing anything.

She smirked as she hammered the long peices of metal through his palm and bending his knees slightly so she could nail his feet. He cried out in pain before mustering up a cackle.

"When I get up off this floor, I'm gonna rip you to shreds," he spat.

She laughed, but it wasn't a normal laugh, it was one of pure malice. On much too similar to those belonging to him.

"Who says you'll live to do that," his face fell. "You didn't think I was done with you, did you?" She smirked as he screamed for help. But, no one was coming. None of his sons had returned that night. Whether it be a party, sleepover, "grandma's" house, he was alone. No one would hear him. No one would care. Knowing his sons, they probably wouldn't even have gone to the police. They probably just moved on.

That was the night Kat decided she would never let another man feel power over her again. She was going to find her brother. And anyone who got in her way would regret it. She was no longer the scared little girl. She was what some people would call a monster. Destruction itself. But she didn't care, she was her own girl now.

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