Chapter 13

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The bright lights above her head buzzed making her groan. She squinted her eyes before slowly opening them. She was in the empty medbay of S.T.A.R Labs. She rubbed her slightly throbbing head wondering how many times she would have to wake up in this place. She tried to remember what had happened to her before she blacked out, but nothing. She heard loud talking coming from the cortex. She breathed feeling slightly more relaxed before making her way to the cortex.

"........inducing rage via the ocular nerve." She heard Caitlin's voice as she got closer, "oh, Dr. Wells wants to see you."

"Kat, you're awake." He pulled her into a tight embrace. "What happened?" He pulled away to look her in the eyes. Her head hurt trying to remember what happened. She really couldn't. It was like it was at the top of her tongue but she couldn't say it. Seeing the look on her face, Barry sighed and rubbed the girl's shoulders for comfort. "Don't stress it if you can't remember okay?" She nodded appreciating the kindness he showed her, unlike some people. "Listen, I gotta go see Dr. Wells but I'll see you later."

"Okay." He walked away leaving her to finally enter the cortex. Hearing voices in the lab connected to the cortex, she peeked in seeing not two, but three people.

"Kat!" Caitlin exclaimed spotting the girl who almost fell over her own two feet. "You're up. How're you feeling?"

"Fine. But I can't remember anything."

"It's okay, don't stress it." The room fell awkwardly silent, other than Cisco mumbling to himself while working on a boomerang. Kat's eyes landed on a beautiful blonde woman who wore glasses and pink lipstick.

"Oh, hi," she held out her hand for a shake which Kat did, "I'm Felicity Smoak. I don't think we've, met before." She looked at Caitlin for an explanation.

"Kat is Barry's long lost sister." Caitlin had a toothy grin, happy Kat was with them. The fourteen year old had grown on her a lot.

"Oh, Barry mentioned you when we met, back in Starling City. It's nice to meet-" before Felicity could finish her sentence, the boomerang Cisco had been working on had shattered the glass in the lab. Caitlin ran out screaming as the boomerang almost caught in her hair. As it was about to hit the wall, Kat used her powers to stop it in mid air bringing it toward her as Barry, Joe and Dr. Wells entered.

"That's my bad. That was on me," Cisco said holding up his hand before glass once again fell and shattered.

"I want that Arrow out of my city. Tonight," Joe said pointing at Barry before a surprised look crossed his face when he looked at Kat. "Aren't you supposed to be back with your foster parents?"

"Uh, she's visiting," Caitlin said. Joe nodded before giving Barry one last glance and left.

"So you're a meta," Felicity stated to Kat who sat in a chair in the lab watching Felicity work on the computers.

"Yeah." Felicity raised her brows shortly looking like she wanted to ask something else. "You can ask whatever you wa-"

"How did you get your powers? Was it the same way Barry did? Where have you been all these years? How old are you?" She bombarded the girl with questions. But one question stood out the most. One she really did not want to talk about.

"Well, I was, like most meta humans, hit with a wave of dark matter. And no. I've been in foster care. And I'm fourteen."

"Wow, but are you... a model, 'cause you-you look like a model, unless you think that's a bad thing because models are-"

"Felicity, could you come here please?" Caitlin asked cutting off the other woman's ranting. She smiled at Kat before making her way to Caitlin. From what she saw, Felicity was a good person and hoped to form a sistership, if that was a real thing. She smiled at the thought.

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