Chapter 2

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Kat could tell Central City could have been a new beginning. But just not for her. Her past would forever haunt her. She could never forget, as much as she wanted to.

It had been a week since she ran away, or... escaped. She had managed to evade the police whilst breaking into a few houses for food and going dumpster diving. She had gotten so used to hunger, she barely felt it anymore.

She looked down at the paper memorizing the address. The problem was, she didn't even know where to begin. She had asked for directions, some people just blatantly ignored her, others questioning where her parents were. It had gotten her thinking of what happened to her father.

She had finally found her way on her own, but now, she wasn't sure she was ready.

She made her way to the door, her finger hovering over the door bell, hesitation creeping in.

"Now or never." She rang the bell before she heard footsteps approaching. She could still run away. She could still buy herself more ti-

The door opened revealing a beautiful young woman. Her black curls hung loose on her shoulders. Her smile was so sweet and welcoming. Of course, Kat would never fall into that trap again. That's how Sean looked at her when he took her in. She only saw a picture of the first day he held her, like she was his own. But this wasn't Sean. He was gone.

"Can I help you?" The young woman asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Um... I'm looking for Barry Allen." She awkwardly shifted her weight on one leg, diverting her eyes.

"Oh, he's upstairs getting ready to go watch the particle accelerator. Uh, who are you?"

Ok, I really didn't ask what he was doing

"I'm Katrina." She handed her the documents.

"Katrina Allen?" The woman's brows furrowed, then a look of realization dawned on her features. "Oh my gosh, come in."

Kat hesitated before slowly stepping over the threshold. It was a really nice home. Not just a house, it was a home, unlike where she had been. Though, she wouldn't call it living, more like surviving.

Pictures of another man, resembling the woman, and a brunette man were placed neatly across a table to the window next to the fireplace.

"I'm Iris by the way," the woman spoke. "So you've been in foster care?"

Kat nodded almost flinching at the flashbacks. But she promised herself she wouldn't let her walls down. Not again.

The same brunette who could only be the one and only Barry Allen tumbled down the stairs.

"Hey, you ready to-"

He cut himself off, looking between Iris and Kat.

"Umm, hi," Barry said awkwardly, taking the last step.

When Kat didn't say anything, Iris spoke.

"Barry, this is Katrina," she paused looking at Kat then at Barry, checking for any sign of realization. "She's your sister."

Tears came to Barry's eyes as he ran a hand through his hair. He took a few steps forward.

"Kat?" She nodded. It was the first time in a long time she hadn't felt numb or angry. She didn't want to like it. She didn't want to get used to it. It never got her anywhere.

He wrapped his arms around her. She stiffened, but hugged back awkwardly nonetheless. He pulled away looking her up and down as if searching for any signs of a prank.

"Oh my gosh." He glanced back at Iris in disbelief. "I never stopped looking for you. I can't believe this." He pulled her into another hug. All the physical contact made her uncomfortable, but this was her brother. He wouldn't hurt her, right?

"I'll leave you two alone," Iris said making Barry nod. He sat her on the couch.

"How've you been?" He asked, the glee in his eyes still shimmering.


"Fine," she lied through her teeth. She just didn't want to worry him or for him to annoy her with his pity. His brows suddenly furrowed.

"Where did you get those scars?" He asked making her turn her face away. He was referring to the scars on her face. The one on her cheek, another on her forehead and another next to her right eye.

"I-umm, in a fight." It was partially true. She was fighting. Fighting and lost miserably to the monster who tormented her for years.

"Oh, so you get into fights huh?" He said jokingly. She kept her gaze on the floor not looking at him. His brows furrowed once more. "Uh... sorry. I didn't mean to..." His voice trailed off, wondering if he said something wrong.

She was about to change the subject but never got the chance as Iris came up behind them.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt," she said. 

By all means, thanks 

"But Barry, it's about to start."

"Oh, right. Me and Iris are going to see the particle accelerator. Wanna come?" He asked hopefully. She hesitated, it becoming a habit lately.

"Yeah, sure."

"Great," Iris chirped.

They made their way to Iris' car and were soon on their way. Kat had no idea what a particle accelerator was, although she did hear people talk about it on the streets of both cities. It did spark her interest though.

Iris parked the car, smiling at her. They got out of the car and made their way to the entrance of the building only to be stopped by the security guard, who informed them of the nonsensical restrictions of children under sixteen.

"It's fine." 


Kat wanted to see what this thing was or who Harrison Wells was. Barry had told her of the great scientist.

"I'll wait out here."

Barry nodded sadly as Iris flashed her a sympathetic smile. Neither wanted to leave her alone.

"Are you sure? Maybe you can wait in the car."

She nodded giving them a reassuring smile. They made their way inside leaving her on the outside. She walked through the crowd of protesters, picking a few pockets while making her way to the side of the building.

She lit a cigarette leaning, on the wall. She tried a cigarette only once before. Mike had forced her to. She kind of liked the feeling. The ecstasy.

Thanks Mike

She threw her cigarette butt, watching as the rain poured down on it. She grabbed another. She looked to the street almost sure she had seen Barry and Iris running after someone. She shrugged it off and went on with her business.

She had finished a third one and had gone around to explore. She was about to open a door, wondering if she could sneak in, but there was a loud bang.

"The heck?" She muttered. She looked around frantically, seeing no one in sight. Only the chaotic screams could be heard over the rain. Then this old man came around the corner with an orange box thing. "What's happening?"

She didn't get an answer as a surge of energy, knocked her off her feet. As consciousness slipped away from her, she made a promise to herself. If she ever woke up, she would be telling another city goodbye.

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