Chapter 4

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"I wasn't the only one affected by the particle accelerator explosion was I?" Barry had stormed into S.T.A.R labs with Kat behind trying to keep up with his long strides. He was clearly upset about something, Kat had just figured it out. And still, it was a stormy day.

Dr. Wells looked to Caitlin and Cisco who looked at him. Busted. "We don't know for sure."

"You said the city was safe with no residual danger. But that's not true so what really happened that night?"

All the drama was becoming unbearable for Kat. It was always like that back in Starling. Drama, only it was the more painful kind. That's why she hated it. Well, most of it. She had tuned out everyone as she just blankly stared at the ground. She had only started paying attention when Barry said something about controlling the weather, which made no sense.

"This just keeps getting cooler and cooler," Cisco said smiling. He seemed to be the most care free and fun of the three scientists.

"This is not cool! Alright? A man died tonight." Of course Barry would be the one to overlook the awesomeness of the situation. His heart was too good. Kat didn't deserve someone like that to be her brother. She didn't want him to suffer anymore loss. Unlike their father, she had actually committed crimes. Serious crimes. Even though she wasn't good with feelings, didn't care much about them, she didn't want to hurt Barry. He had been so nice to her. Well, when he actually remembered she existed. "Mardon must've gotten his powers the same way I did. From the storm cloud. He's still out there. We have to stop him before he hurts anyone else." Barry was halfway out the door stopping as he heard Dr. Wells's voice. Kat, however, did exit the room waiting in the hallway for her brother.

Brother, a real brother.

She still could barely rap her head around the fact that she had real actual blood left. Other than her father who she was pretty sure she wouldn't have the chance to see.

She had to leave tonight. She couldn't afford for her brother to hate her. If he found out what she had done, he would probably drag her to prison himself. It would be game over.

He didn't acknowledge her presence as he walked past her. She rolled her eyes, she was getting used to it.

"Barry," he whipped around surprised to see her, like he had forgotten.....again, "you need to stop doing that," she snapped.

"I'm sorry, I'm just, dealing with a lot right now, I'm-"he paused like he had realised something, "are your foster parents ok with you being here? Do they know?"

Memories of him flashed through her mind. At a time like this. The narrow halls suddenly became a blur as she leaned on the walls for support, the lights flickering rapidly. His voice was taunting in her ears.

I'm coming for you. It was loud and menacing. Her breathing was uneven as her knees buckled.

"Woah, woah, hey, are you ok?" Barry asked. It was the stupidest question anyone could ever ask in a moment where someone could barely breathe. "What's wrong? Is it asthma?"

The lights suddenly blew out and all the power in the building got cut off as her breathes quickened. It was like something was pressing against her chest. The contents of her stomach seemed to want to leave her body in an acidic pool of vomit.

"I c- I can't breathe," she managed to choke out.

He doesn't care. She clutched her temples which only seemed to make everything louder. Caitlin, Cisco and Dr. Wells had rounded the corner staring wide eyed at the scene before them. They had never seen anything like what they were witnessing in that moment.

As Kat's eyes roamed the hallway frantically for any signs of who ever the voices belonged to, they glowed a luminescent orange. Her veins were glowing an orange-yellow colour as light traveled through them.

"Hey, hey, Kat. Listen to me okay? You need you to calm down," Barry soothed. He touched her shoulder only to see the orange-yellow colour in his veins too, he had felt a jolt of electricity and energy, he had never felt before. It was like the lightening bolt, but less painful. He quickly pulled away his hand making the light disappear. Kat's breathing had slowed down but she was still freaking out. She looked down at her hands.

"What- what's happening to me?"

Barry looked at his hands again before touching her shoulder once more absorbing the orange-yellow hue. They both gasped of relief as Barry let go.

"She's a....." Cisco trailed off as Caitlin finished his sentence.

"Meta. She's a meta."

The look of shock on all their faces had her wondering if it was a good or bad thing. All except for Dr. Wells. He looked more like impressed.

Barry had left Kat there for testing as he left for work or something. Her stomach growled as Catlin finished checking her pressure.

"Someone's hungry,"she smiled. "Come on," she said as she walked down the corridor into another room. It was the kitchen. It was very modern and huge, but comfy. "Help yourself to anything in the fridge or anything you like. I'll be in my lab down the corridor." Kat nodded as Caitlin left. She looked around at smiled as she spotted the bar. She looked back out on the corridor to see if anyone was coming and then made her way to the alcohol. She grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniel. She grabbed a glass pouring some in it. She actually filled it. She chugged it down wondering if that's how a high school party would feel. She had only gotten drunk twice. She knew the consequences, but she also knew what it did for a person. Freeing them from their problems, even if it was temporary.

She had found a radio and turned it on dancing to Black Eyes Pease. She had finished three quarters of the bottle when the music was cut off.

"What are you doing?" Cisco asked. His eyes widened when it landed on the bottle in her hands. He quickly grabbed it and set it on the counter. "Aren't you like ten. You're too young to be drinking."

"I'm fourteen actually," her words were slurred as a small smile graced her lips. Cisco glanced at the bottle again to see the small amount left. He shook his head.

"Why would you do this?" He was completely flabbergasted. How could a fourteen year old know how to go for the bar and not the fridge? She looked so young and innocent. She couldn't have any problems to drink away, right?

"Because Ci-Ca- what's your name again? Nevermind. I don't really care." He looked at her in disbelief and kind of hurt that she had just dismissed him. "Why should I care about anything anymore?!" She yelled. Her words were almost incoherent. "No one gives a shit about me or my shitty self or my shitty past." Cisco furrowed his brows.

"Your past?" She nodded slowly and sighed.

"Yeah. My foster father used to...."she searched for the word then forgot what she was saying,"I dont wanna talk about pasts," she pretended she was holding up a champagne glass, "to the future!"

"Did- did he hurt you?" She looked at him with drooping eye lids. She then nodded as tears came to her eyes. She leaned onto Cisco's chest and became a sobbing mess. She thought if she had gotten drunk, it would all go away. It did, but it all came rushing back.

Her face was red from crying when she had fallen asleep in Cisco's arms as he sat them down on the red couch. He was in deep thought when Caitlin entered.

"I see you two have bonded. But what was all that shouting?" She said making her presence known. It was weird, because to her, Kat seemed very guarded.

"Barely," Caitlin gave him a questioning look telling him to go on. "I dunno but, I think something happened to her, in her foster home."

Caitlin nodded thoughtfully before Barry announced over the intercomm to meet the two scientists. Cisco gently placed Kat on the couch and left opting to tell Barry once he had the chance. She was his sister, he needed to know she had been hurt.

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