Chapter 21

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She stood by her brother's towering figure as they all watched the computer screen. Her blood boiled at the sight of the evil maniac. He broke the chains of the gate, waltzing in like he owned the place. Still. Did he still own it?

"Barry, don't even think about it," Joe said already knowing what was running through the speedster's mind. Barry's eyes stuck to the screen, not a word leaving his lips. "Bar, no." Knowing what her brother's plan was, she didn't protest.

"You can't go out there by yourself," Caitlin countered as Barry stood straight.

"Am I a joke to you?" She muttered lowly, shaking her head.

"Yeah, I can," he said before speeding away leaving no room for argument. Kat was headed for the door when Joe's voice filled the tense air.

"Where are you going?" It was that are-you-crazy tone he used.

"To kick some butt," she said like it was obvious. She was going whether the three adults agreed or not. They couldn't stop her, not when it meant saving lives.... and getting revenge.

"No. No, Kat, they're speedsters and-"

"Well, I can't just do nothing can I?" Her voice, slight panic evident, raised as she glanced at the screen. She knew they were only trying to keep her safe but she didn't need that, what she needed to do was take action and not sit on the sidelines.

No one said a word as she left to join the two speedsters who were yapping away instead of getting into the action, unless they were in a staring contest.

She walked out the doors just as the Arrow and Firestorm appeared asking about their punctuality. She stood next to the hooded man as a smirk crept onto her brother's lips.

"You're just in time."

"Miss Allen," Wells acknowledged. She rolled her eyes, her hands ready to feel the crunching of his bones between them.

"I don't care how fast you are," Barry began, "you can't fight all four of us at the same time." Wells stepped forward with a knowing grin plastered to the face he had stolen.

"Three and a half." He pointed out making the girl's jaw drop. "Oh, I can't?" She could already feel the crackling slowing through her veins as her rage slowly rose to the surface. He had the audacity to insult her.

The nerve of some people

"Trust me, this? This is gonna be fun," he said, a smirk pulling at his lips. A suit jumped from the ring he had displayed on his fist. They all powered up, preparing themselves for battle.

The two speedsters ran head on into each other. All Kat could see was yellow and red going around in circles, but inside those streaks was a fierce battle.

"Move Barry," Oliver said aiming his bow and arrow as Firestorm growled. "Barry move!" Firestorm took to the sky, Arrow still waiting for an open shot to his target.

Wells held Barry in a choke hold against the fence before throwing him a few feet, the impact of his body shattering the glass of the S.T.A.R Lab's glowing sign. The Arrow shot the vibrating man in the leg before Firestorm blasted a wave of fire temporarily distracting him, giving Kat a chance to let jolts of electricity out of her hands. Her eyes widened as she realised it had done nothing.

She knew her powers worked two ways, it could either give or destroy, she wanted to destroy, but ended up giving instead. Of all times, her powers chose now to be confusing.

"Come on!" Firestorm yelled, frustration creeping in his tone. Wells looked up at him, his glowing red eyes blurry as his figure vibrated. He lifted his fists moving them in a circular motion creating tornado winds that threw the hot head away. Wells reached for the arrow in his leg observing it.

"Nanites, courtesy of Ray Palmer," Oliver stated. "They're delivering a high frequency pulse that's disabling your speed. You're not gonna be running around for quite a while." The speedster's body stopped vibrating as Kat looked around for her brother but found no sign of him. The impact of skin on skin caught her attention.

Wells was gaining the upper hand. One raise of her hand and he was rolling on the ground. He swiftly recovered standing on his feet again before the Arrow had him tumbling back into a detour sign, once again colliding with the ground. Grabbing a short iron pole, he stood before hitting the Arrow square in the face making him stumble back.

Using his bow, Arrow attacked the speedster only to have every single one being blocked by the small pole he held on to. Kat knocked him off his feet once again without even touching him. He landed in a pile of trash bags.

"Right where you belong," she said standing next to Oliver, looking down at the still body. Wells suddenly vibrating again, green particles coming off his body. Oliver aimed his bow, not having a chance to shoot when a flash of red ran around them, knocking the brunette off her feet.

Pain filled groans escaped her throat as her vision blurred. Aches shot up her spine as she rolled onto her stomach, looking up. Wells had Oliver pinned to the ground, his hand vibrating. She barely made out the words he said as she rested her head on her arm.

"The history book says you live to be 86 years old, Mr. Queen. Well, I guess the history books are wrong." Wind rushed past her a second later. Knowing it was her brother, she lifted her head only to be standing the next moment. Barry's hands keeping her steady as worry washed over his features.

"You okay?" He breathed looking back at the other speedster who was standing up.

"No. Not until he's no longer a thing,"she said gesturing to the now standing man in yellow.

"You can't stop me Flash.... and you never will." His chest puffed out before he took off up the side of the building, Barry following not far behind. Kat looked over at the hooded man struggling to stand. She rushed over helping him up.

"You good?"

"Yeah," he nodded. They then both turned their heads to the roof where flashes of yellow and red were playing around. Wells's body fell from the roof after being blasted by a ball of fire. He collapsed on a car shattering the glass and bending in the roof. Kat only hoped that person had insurance or something.

He slowly rose, a laugh resonating from his like he hadn't just been thrown off a building. He didn't realize he'd lost.

Kat watched Oliver climbing on top of a car not too far from the one Wells had obliterated with his body impact. He looked to Kat with a nod. She hadn't a clue what he meant, but taking out an arrow glancing at her, she nodded. Electricity crackled, traveling from her hands to the mid-air arrows into Wells' back. A nanite razor arrow. She grinned at the new invention. More so when she saw the completely still body wearing the yellow suit she had grown to hate.

One by one, they gathered around his body. Kat could almost hear the heroic music in the background.

"Thanks fellas-"


"And Kat." She nodded in approval.

"No problem," Firesrorm spoke mirroring Barry's triumphant smile. Oliver's eyes trained on the man on the ground, probably making sure he wouldn't move again. Though Kat wished she could have his head on a pole, her grin grew even wider.

"Nice haircut," Barry complimented the blond holding the arrow with his hood now down. "I see we've abandoned our traditional green."

"Trying something different," Oliver replied shifting his weight to his other leg. "Look, I might need a favor from you."

"Whenever, wherever." Oliver nodded at the two siblings before moving off. Firestorm flashed her a smile, patting Barry on the shoulder before following after Oliver. The scarlett speedster once again looked down at the man in yellow, breaths of relief leaving his lungs. "I got you."

"Finally." She breathed. He brought her in a side hug, a contagious smile on his lips. She knew Barry wouldn't ever think of revenge, of destroying him, but she did. But that wasn't important just yet.

They caught him. The man who had taken everything from them. Their parents, their childhood, each other. But they were together now, and stronger than ever. They were going to make sure he would never win. EVER.

Almost at the end of this book. Woohoo....

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