Chapter 12

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She stared down at the piece of paper she had gotten on the first day of school from her first friend. She was contemplating whether or not she should call her. She stabbed you in the back. She wanted to call her. She wanted to forgive Angie. She was the one who dragged her into all of it afterall. Without thinking, she slid the phone she had finally gotten back from Barry and dialed the number.

"Hello?" She wasn't at all prepared to hear her voice. Her soft voice brought back many memories. Kat closed her eyes remembering the beautiful blue eyes of the girl almost forgetting she was supposed to speak. "Hello? Kat?" Her voice was cautious as if not wanting the girl to hang up.

"A-Angie?" She could hear the other girl take in a breath from the other side. They both stayed silent for a moment. None of them wanting to break the silence.

"Are you..... okay? Are you hurt?" Angie's voice cracked slightly. She had regretted her actions as soon as she did it. But she really wanted to tell her the truth. What really happened that day.

"I'm fine." They fell into silence again not knowing what to say.

"I'm so sorry Kat. I really am."

"Why? Why'd you do it Angie?" A tear rolled down Kat's cheek and her voice wavered. She wasn't angry at Angie, just hurt and disappointed that she would betray her, just like that.

"Because if I didn't, they'd kill my dad..... and you." Kat's eyebrows furrowed. Why would the police want to kill her. Or Angie's father. She stayed silent so Angie could continue. "My dad, he's an ARGUS agent. Has been since he was in his twenties. He's been trying to escape it but...... he just couldn't. He actually almost did once, but his employer caught him in the act and said if he ever tried it again, he would sentenced to death for treason."

"But why were they willing to kill me?"

"They know Kat." At that Kat had to take in a deep breath to not black out the whole city.

"You told them?" Her teeth were clenched as were her fists. But her anger wasn't directed at Angie, it was at ARGUS. How could they threaten Angie like that? She was only a kid, one who had nothing to do with her father's job. But Kat was also angry at herself for bringing Angie into the whole mess.

"No, no. I-I didn't. I would never, betray you like that." Angie's words made the anger she felt melt away. Why does she make me feel this way? She ran a hand through her hair like she couldn't believe she thought Angie would do that. "By the way, where are you? I asked Iris and she said Barry told her you went back to your foster parents for some time." Kat shivered at the thought. Hearing footsteps in the corridor, she said a quick goodbye before turning to the door. Barry stood there with a small gift box in his hand. It was yellow with a pink ribbon rapped around it.

"What's that?" She asked curiously. He walked up to her, the small smile he had growing bigger as he handed it to her.

"Open it." She did as told and opened the box to reveal a silver necklace with the Flash sign and an E in the middle. She looked at him confused.

"Why're you giving this to me?"

"I know your birthday was last month but I thought I'd just give you a late gift. So, you like it?" His smile faded as he saw the sad look on her face. Almost like she was on the verge of tears. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I love it. It's just... no one's ever gotten a gift like this for me before." She looked up at him when he put his hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner. He then gently took it before putting it around her neck.

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