Final Chapter

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"Kat," Barry tried. His eyes pleaded with her, hoping maybe she would reconsider. "You don't have to do this. We... we understand. We forgive you."

"I shouldn't be pardoned, Barry. I don't deserve to walk free." She hels her head low, muttering her next words. "I'm no better than Thawne."

"Don't say that." Tears pricked at his eyes. Thawne was evil, she had a good heart. One that helped keep their city safe. Thawne deserved whatever had come to him."You're nothing like him."

"It's not about that, Barry. I have to try and make I right." He raked a hand through his hair. His frustration slowly bacame understanding, realizing that they weren't so different. His heart ached everytime the news mentioned the Flash as the one who saved Central City. He felt he didn't deserve it. The honor belonged to the one who died doing what he didn't. Saving their City.

Blue-gren eyes peirced through her own, forcing her to look away. She realized she couldn't forgive herself. Not when she had hurt so many people. Those people had families, and she knew she caused them great pain. Now, she was going to be taken away from her own. She, once again, was going to know that pain.

"Okay." The brunette man nodded in understanding. She didn't want to leave him like this. Broken over the bittersweet victory. Just like Caitlin. Just like Iris. Just like Stein. But when she watched the news, one of the two officers from the woods had testified against her, she knew it was time.

He sighed, sweeping her off her feet. After stopping by Iris and Joe, in a second, they were in an alleyway across from the precinct. He handed her the duffel bag containing the awful purple costume.

"Do you want me to walk you inside?" Shaking her head, she kept her eyes trained on the cracked concrete. "Hey." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You'll be okay." She nodded, trying to believe his words. She gave him one last hug before crossing the street.

Fear gripped her heart like a croco would grip its prey between its teeth. Her hesitant steps drew attention from the woman behind the desk.

"Can I help you sweetheart?" The girl's mind jumped at the word. There was nothing sweet about her. In the next few seconds, this woman would know. She was a monster.

"Yes... I'm here to turn myself in." She slowly pulled the purple wig and mask from the bag, placing them on the desk. The woman eyed her, glancing between the girl and the wig, she punched in a number on the desk phone.

"Captain, I have Elektra right here... she just turned herself in." A few seconds later, captain Singh's very confused eyes met hers. She couldn't bare to see it.

"Miss Allen?" He asked. Realization slowly settled in as he placed his hands on his hips with a sigh. Her heart clenched at his clear disappointment. They were finally getting along. He signaled and officer over, who seemed to have been on standby. "Katrina Allen, you're under arrest for mass felony murder..." his voice seemed to fade out as he repeated the Miranda rights to her, like he had done a dozen times before, to dozens of criminals. Now, she was just that. Another criminal.

She felt like the wormhole. It just sucked in innocent lives as it went. Destruction. And an emptiness. A void she couldn't ever fill. Not without the one who made her feel alive.


After her sentencing, the metahuman was transported to another prison. One actually equipped for metahumans. One with no escape. As she climbed out the back of the transport vehicle, she admired the building as the two guards urged her to keep walking. The huge 'A' on the front of the building was hard to miss, encircled by the words 'Advanced Research Group United Facility'. Her heart froze in her chest as she put it together. As she realized what she had gotten herself into. But it was too late.

She was, once again, in the hands of A.R.G.U.S.

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