Chapter 5

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Kat had finally been introduced to Barry's foster father, Joe. He was a cop. Kat despised cops. If you asked her, they were the most unjust. They had almost brought her to juvie for stealing one, one, wallet. She had become better at pretending like she liked him, it seemed like he was buying it. It seemed like everyone was buying it. She just hoped he didn't do a background check or investigate where she had come from.

"What's your name newbie?" A blonde haired boy had shoved Kat into a locker. Barry had suggested she go to school, despite her protests, Joe and Iris had agreed. They sort of adopted her. And, there she was.

"None of your business," she deadpanned. She adjusted her back pack strap trying to walk away as he shoved her in the locker again. She closed her eyes and turned her neck shaking her head.

"Actually, I'm the king of this school so, it is my business." He stepped closer to her face. She could smell his breath of potato chips. She wanted to avoid all attention and conflict so she gave in. One slip up and she could be sent back into the system, or worse.

"It's Katrina Allen, "she said rolling her eyes.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?" The guy stepped back, "see you around newbie."

She walked away not looking back as she spoke, "you might wanna lay off the potato chips." She smirked as she heard his fist connect with a locker door. "Idiot."

She sat in the cafeteria by herself. It was pretty crowded but she managed to find an empty table. She had taken an apple. She didn't fancy on the whole 'big lunch' thing. Then a girl came and stood beside her. She had beautiful blue eyes and brown gold-ish hair. She was beyond beautiful.

"Hi," she smiled down at Kat, "can I sit?"

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"Hi," she smiled down at Kat, "can I sit?"

"Sure, I mean maybe not with me." Ignoring kat's comment, the girl sat down smiling at Kat.

"I'm Angel Flanagan," She was chirpy but not too loud. She wasn't that shy, although it seemed she was a bit nervous. She probably didn't have friends. She awkwardly stared at Kat for a moment. "Anyway, I uh, saw what you did in the hallway with Justin, I just wanted to say tha- that was really cool of you Katrina." Kat gave her a small smile. She didn't bother asking how she knew her name, she remembered Justin had demanded it. The first real small smile she did in a long time was in that moment.

"D'you have friends?" The girl looked at her dumbfounded like she hadn't been expecting the question. Kat's intention wasn't to make her uncomfortable, Angel just seemed like that kind of person. She was happy and kind of awkward.

"Umm, I uh-" she sighed and looked down, "no." It was like she was ashamed. It's not like it was her fault people didn't want to talk to her.

Although Kat didn't really want to, the look on Angel's face made her ask, "do you wanna be friends? I mean I'm new and ev-" Kat was cut off by Angel's arms wrapping around. She stiffened at the sudden contact, her heart skipped a beat.

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