Chapter 17

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Upon arriving in the cortex of S.T.A.R Labs after her little visit to Angie, she really wished she had just gone to the sewers with Barry, Cisco and Joe. Being brutally beaten by a gorilla didn't sound nearly as bad as her heart being run over by a truck, then stabbed a million times before being frozen and shattered to pieces. But she wore an emotionless face trying to keep calm when the lights flickered a little. Hearing voices in the medbay, she made her way there.

"Where've you been?" Barry asked as he caught sight of her. She only shrugged taking a seat in the corner of the room avoiding every and any eye contact. But the slight flickering of the lights told them all to just leave her be. They didn't want a second explosion caused by S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City. She ignored the look she got from Iris as she tried to forget. Forget what had broken her heart. Forget who.


Softly landing on the roof of the other girl's house, a smile graced Kat's lips as she walked over to the balcony of Angie's room. Softly knocking on the glass door with their secret knock code for when Kat would sneak out, she bounced on her heels as she saw Angie open her curtains slowly. A shocked look came over her face as she hurried to open the door. Kat had taken that as a sign that she was really happy and impatient to hold her again. Opening the door, Angie finally pulled her inside and softly closed the door.

"What the heck are you doing here?!" Angie whisper yelled, her eyebrows furrowed in anger and confusion, which only confused Kat.

"Wh-I came to see you," she said trying to reach for the blue eyed girl's hand. But she only pulled away. She ran a hand through her hair frustrated. "What's wrong Angie? I thought you'd be happy to see me." The waterworks had started to come and brought along the train of emotions when Angie said what she said.

"Well I'm not, okay? I don't wanna see you again. Freak." A tear fell down Kat's cheek as she read Angie's expression. Not a hint of remorse or regret, no sadness or tears. Just anger.


"You're a freak, and a monster. I don't want to see you anymore. Now go." Kat stood frozen out of shock, not even sure she had heard right. Her bestfriend practically just told her she hated her. It had to be a joke, right? "Get out! I hate you! Get out!" Angie was full-on yelling making Kat scramble to the roof. She wanted to scream and tell Angie she hated her too. But how could she say that when it wasn't true? Or maybe it was. Maybe, what she felt all along, was what she hadn't felt before. It was the comfort of having a best friend. And now she didn't have one anymore. Seeing the lights in the neighborhood flicker, she decided it would be best if she just left before she blew a fuse. Or a few.

Instead of using her powers to get to S.T.A.R Labs faster, she took a stroll through the woods, not even half way through and she had broken down. She was down on her knees as tears poured non stop out of her eyes. She didn't like how weak she felt when she cried. And Angie made her feel weak, so if she never wanted to see Kat again, she would make that happen, she doubted Angie would tell her secret.

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