Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Robyn was bombarded by a brown ball of fluff as she entered her dorm. Astoria had pulled her to the side after the Welcoming Feast to gossip about Dumbledore's announcements, that is, about the Dementors and the two new Professors. She had also made a sly comment about how Draco had been 'so worried' on the train and how 'cute' it was. Robyn had brushed her off.

So, Robyn arrived at the dorm later than the other girls. But she wasn't expecting to be attacked for it.

She yelped as something attached itself to her torso, "What the—"

"No!" Olivia yelled dramatically and rushed towards her. "It was supposed to be a surprise!"

Robyn copied her tone, "I am surprised! Again, what the—" she looked down at the fluff in her arms. "Oh!"

"Bonnie! You ruined it!" Olivia took the cat from Robyn's hold. The other girls approached eagerly.

"I'm sorry, why is Bonnie here?" Robyn laughed, confused but pleased.

"You'll never guess!" Olivia grinned.

Robyn raised her eyebrows and waited silently.

"...Aren't you going to guess?"

"No. Just tell me."

"She's too boring to guess," Willow commented. Robyn ignored her.

Olivia huffed, "Oh, Fine! Someone adopted Crookshanks! They're a package deal, of course, Bonnie and Crookshanks, Brookshanks, Crooks and Bonbon—"

"We get it," Lana laughed.

"Right. So, I was rather upset with Mum when she told me. I think she was just really excited that someone wanted him, though. Anyway! She said the girl who adopted him looked like a schoolgirl. And who goes to school?"

"Schoolgirls...?" Willow tried

Olivia tutted, "No. Well, yes. But not what I meant. Who else goes to school?"

"Cats," Luna nodded confidently.

Lana realised with a grin, "We do!"

"Yes, us! So—"

Willow interrupted, "Well, hold on! My answer was technically right. We are schoolgirls. Therefore, we were implied. I'm right."

"So," Olivia ignored her. "Crookshanks will be here, at Hogwarts. And so are we...obviously," she gestured around vaguely. "It only made sense to bring Bonnie. I couldn't leave her at the shop alone. I really hope she'll be able to find him and they'll have a cute wee reunion. We'll just have to follow her about everywhere so we don't miss it...Oh, I can't wait!"

"'We'?" Robyn laughed. Inwardly, she was entirely excited. She'd always wanted a Kneazle or a cat, and now she had a mix of both!

"Of course! She's not just mine, she's ours. The second year Ravenclaw girls' cat. Isn't this great?" Olivia beamed.

Luna smiled, "We're mothers now."

Willow fake sobbed, "I'm not ready for motherhood! As long as I don't have to clean up her poo—"

"Really, Willow? I thought you'd use it as a hat or something..." Robyn said cheekily.

Willow glared, "Don't make me hex you. I won't hesitate—" she was distracted as Bonnie swiped at her leg. She gasped, "Seriously, Cat? You're taking her side?"

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