Epilogue Part 23: Minge Binge

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.........is anyone still here???? cos it's august

also. this is simply not good. not saying that in like. a fishing for compliments way. but just as a general warning. and the title is misleading. because while i hope this is at least somewhat entertaining ????? its nowhere near as exciting as a minge binge. cos like wtf is this. bffr (im talking to myself btw)


"No fucking way."


Robyn's jaw had never dropped quicker in her life, she was sure of it. And then she was moving, throwing her hand over Olivia's eyes. "Oh my Gods, don't look—"

But Olivia was having none of it, slapping the hand away, and she took several staggered steps backwards. "I'm- I'm going to be sick—"

"Oh, please don't- not on the carpet- don't have my wand—"

"I can't believe my eyes right now!" And then she was fumbling for the wand which she so conveniently had, but Robyn was even quicker, snatching it from her before Olivia could cast the Killing Curse, probably - but on which girl, Robyn couldn't say.

"Don't! Give me that!" cried Robyn, wrestling with all her might. "Give it to me!"

"I should hex her tits off!"

Robyn paused. "Whose?"

"Both of them!"

"Right." With another heavy tug, she successfully took the wand from the seething girl, but with it suddenly in her hand, she, too, felt the need to hex someone's tits off. How could Willow do this? How could Astoria do this? To Olivia? Who, though it was news to Robyn, was having a tough enough time as is?

She was pissed off, too.

She stuffed the wand in her cloak pocket lest she do something she regret with it, something amounting to twenty years in Azkaban, and she watched as Olivia stormed to the bed and shook Willow ferociously, half wanting to intervene, half wanting to see what was going to happen, which still could be murder – murder did not require a wand.

Robyn watched.

"Buh- wha—?"

"You- you bitch!"


"I can't believe you! Can't imagine life without me, she said; do anything for my forgiveness, she said! And you – I thought we were BMAs! How could you do this to me?"

"Do wha—? Oh, fuck. Astoria?"

"Yes, fuck Astoria. I mean, oh my Gods! Get up! Get up, now!"

Robyn watched, but looked decisively away when Willow threw the covers off herself to reveal more than Robyn needed to see.

"Sake, put some clothes on, you slapper," Robyn huffed, pulling open one of her drawers to throw a jumper at Willow as hard as she could, and an extra one for Astoria. Because they hadn't just fallen asleep in the same bed, no way. They were... without their clothes. Which meant they must have—

They must have—

Robyn could hardly think it, and it wasn't even her girlfriend. She couldn't imagine how Olivia was feeling—

"Fuck you!"

Well, she had an idea.

The jumper hit Willow in the face, and then she scrambled to throw it over her head, all the while searching the covers for some bottoms, Robyn presumed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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