Chapter Ninety: Half-Blood Prince

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this chapter is a little...intense? i think? idk i find it hard to tell but yeah CW: shit happens


"All right then..." the girl trailed off. "I'm Willow, by the way, Willow Banks. This is Olivia Flores," she gestured to a pretty girl with long brown hair and tanned skin in front of her. "Lana Hoang," sat next to Olivia. She was smiling nervously and of Asian descent. "And Luna Lovegood. Oh, Luna and Lana, I just noticed!" the girls giggled.


"Oh, I agree," Luna chirped. "The Dabberblimps don't like when there's tension."

"Right you are, Luna!" Willow responded enthusiastically. Olivia was pursing her lips while Lana didn't hide her confusion.

"What's a—"

"I will not share a room with a Mudblood," Robyn spoke over the girl. "Nor will I ever consider one a sister."

"Whoa!" Olivia held up her hands. Lana had recoiled. Luna was watching Robyn carefully with a tilted head.


"You should be a motivational speaker," Luna added while she joined in the clapping.

Willow gave a mocking bow in response and said, "I just hope I got the message through."

Robyn gulped down her pumpkin juice then turned to Lana.

"Can you tell me about the 'Mario Brothers'?"


"My turn!" Lana grinned and held out a green stuffed animal which Robyn took gratefully.

Robyn gasped. "Is this...?" she trailed off, not completely sure. She had only heard descriptions, after all.

"Yoshi!" Lana squealed.

"He's just like how you described! Thanks!" she beamed at the girl who nodded back at her.


"Okay, okay! Do it, Lana!" Willow pulled Astoria off Robyn as she had gotten her punches in; twelve for Robyn's new age.

Robyn turned her head to the side to see Lana standing with her wand drawn.

What on Earth was she—

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Lana cried, pointing at a pile of snow.


Robyn was completely buried in snow.


Lana stroked Bonnie, too, and sang quietly, "Warm kitty, soft kitty, little ball of fur. Sleepy kitty, happy kitty, purr purr purr." The cat fell asleep in Robyn's arms.

"What was that little performance?" Robyn asked in a hushed voice but couldn't stop her laughs from escaping.

"Made it up," Lana shrugged and looked proud that the cat enjoyed her song.

But Olivia ruined her act, "No you didn't, liar. It's a Muggle children's song."

Lana sighed, "Ugh, I forget you know so much about Muggles sometimes. No fair. They totally would've believed it, too."

"Yeah, I believed it," Robyn admitted.

Willow scolded the girl, "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

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