Chapter Seventeen

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CW: brief mentions of violence


The next morning Robyn decided she would speak to the Ravenclaw girls. She'd been avoiding them for just over a week at this point, and they hadn't made any attempts to talk to her. She presumed Willow had told them not to, being as bossy as she was. She didn't think they were necessarily angry with her, though. Olivia had, after all, continued to meet her every second day to study Defence Against the Dark Arts together. They wouldn't talk. Just sit together. That was okay, honestly. There was something weirdly comforting about the Scottish girl's presence; she had a certain lightness to her that Robyn was slowly becoming addicted to.

As Robyn walked through the corridors to the Great Hall for breakfast, she wondered what to do about Dylan. Why didn't she tell her she had become betrothed? Did Lloyd know? This meant Dylan had been writing to their parents. She would have to sign a contract, after all, to make it official. Or, her parents would? Robyn didn't really know the legal stuff. Was it official, or had Gunnar just been playing with her? Maybe they had just been betrothed to be betrothed...does that make sense? Like, a pre-betrothal. A promise to promise. 

Was she upset over nothing?

Also, would Gunnar tell Draco about what he had discovered her doing, and would Draco 'sort her out', as Gunnar had said? She honestly didn't think Draco had the guts to lay a hand on her. As often as Lloyd grumbled about her presence and was a mean older brother in general, she knew (or, hoped) he wouldn't just stand by and let Draco hurt her. And she didn't think Draco would want to. Yes, Willow was right; Draco was an arse. But not to her. Never to her.

But did she know the real Draco?

This was giving her a headache.

She decided she would wait. If Dylan didn't bring it up in, say, a month, she would just give in and ask.

For now, she would be wary of her. Because this was unusual; Dylan didn't tend to hide things, as far as she knew. Or, maybe she had been hiding things this entire time...?

Yep, headache.

Robyn suddenly found herself walking beside Theo and Blaise, both on their way to breakfast. She didn't talk to them a lot, not really, but they were decent boys. Theo could be a bit brooding sometimes, reminiscent of her brother, actually. Blaise was very cheeky and flirty, which amused her.

"Hello, boys," she greeted with a soft smile.

"All right, Robyn? Enjoy Draco's dramatics yesterday?" Blaise grinned in return as Theo simply nodded at her.

She laughed, "He's so silly, honestly! His little theories about Potter, I didn't take him for a conspiracist. He's mad."

"Mad for you," Theo commented slyly.

Blaise gave a low whistle. "Don't tell him Theo said that."

She huffed, "He's not 'mad for me'. In the future I'm sure he will be," she said with a wave of her hand, "but not now. We're too young."

"Well, aren't you confident?" Blaise smirked.

"Would you prefer me to be coy?"

"I'd prefer you to—"

"All right," Theo cut Blaise off. "Draco would prefer you not to flirt with his—"

"His what, Theo?" It was Robyn's turn to cut Theo off. "Draco doesn't own me," she raised her eyebrows, daring him to argue.

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