Chapter 122

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There were voices coming from inside the boathouse. Snape was already there, she realised, and he was speaking softly to Voldemort. Hardly daring to breathe, Robyn waited by the door, her unblemished hand on the doorknob, to catch wind of their conversation.

"My Lord, their resistance is crumbling–"

"And it is doing so without your help," said Voldemort in his high, clear voice. "Skilled wizard though you are, I do not think you will make much difference now. We are almost there... almost. Besides, I must tell you, Severus, you have been disappointing me. You think the Carrows have not been reporting back to me your running of the school? It almost seems you've... gone soft. Or perhaps uncaring?"

"My Lord–"

"With Dumbledore out of the picture, you are certainly not as useful as you once were. And when Potter is gone..."

"Let me find him. Let me bring you Potter. I know I can find him, my Lord. Please."

Voldemort tutted. "But you do not understand Potter as I do. He does not need finding. Potter will come to me. I know his weakness, you see, his one great flaw: he will hate watching the others struck down around him, knowing that it is for him that it happens. He will want to stop it at any cost. He will come. It is not him I have brought you here to discuss."

"My Lord?"

"Robyn Rosier."

Robyn jumped, thinking Voldemort was addressing her directly. The doorknob creaked as she released it.

"She is the one I need," Voldemort continued obliviously. "She is the one I seek. But she has ignored my summons."

There was a pause, and then, "Seek no longer, my Lord," replied Snape, and the door opened.

Robyn practically fell through it, and then it shut again behind her. The room was dimly lit, but she could see Nagini swirling and coiling like a serpent underwater, safe in an enchanted, transparent, starry sphere, which floated unsupported in midair. Voldemort's long-fingered white hand was toying with the Elder Wand, but it was the look on his face that made her most uneasy.

He was smiling.

"My Lord," she greeted, subtly dusting herself off. "Professor. I, er- Lucius Malfoy sent for me."

"Ah, good, very good. Now we may begin."

"Begin, my Lord?" Snape asked, looking at her out the corner of his eye.

"Robyn," he said, ignoring Snape, "wherever have you been? You did not come and join me. Perhaps you have decided to befriend Harry Potter?"

"No, my Lord," she denied, "I hung back to look for him with my–" she swallowed, "my brother and Draco."

"And you were unsuccessful?"

"I do not know where Harry Potter is, my Lord."

What she didn't know was that at that very moment, Harry Potter was mere feet away from her on the other side of the wall, eavesdropping on them.

"But this is unobjectionable," said Voldemort leisurely, "the boy will come to me. It is not Harry Potter I have summoned you both here to discuss." His red eyes flicked between them. "I have a problem, you see."

"My Lord?" said Snape.

Robyn looked at the floating Nagini, feeling for the Basilisk fang in her skirt pocket. "Can I ask, my Lord...?"

Voldemort narrowed his eyes but nodded nonetheless.

"Is there something wrong with her? What is that around her?"

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