Chapter Five

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Robyn was wandering along the train, stumbling occasionally as it bounced her around. She peered into each of the compartments searching for one person in particular. She had come across a few people she recognised and had waved at them, but it was her best friend Astoria she really wanted to sit with.



Draco Malfoy was standing to the entrance of the next compartment, beckoning her with his hand. She sighed deeply and walked over to him. "Hello, Draco. How are you, Draco? Good? Great, I'll be off, then—" she said all at once, not waiting for a reply. She moved past him, but he caught her by the elbow.

"Where do you think you're going?" he smirked at her.

"To find Astoria," she replied in a flat voice.

"Look no further," he said while pointing his thumb over his shoulder to the compartment, "she's with us." He then stood to the side and looked expectantly at her.

Robyn looked inside to see Astoria sitting between Daphne and Pansy. Pansy was cackling away while Daphne looked exasperated. Lloyd sat beside Daphne in the window seat, looking sullen. He brought his gaze to his sister who was still standing outside the compartment and immediately rolled his eyes, looking away. Across from Lloyd were the baboons: Crabbe and Goyle. Their stupidity entertained her, and it was even more amusing how they never seemed to realise she laughed at them, not with them. Finally, rounding out the group were Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini. She had already passed by Millicent in a previous compartment, who had been sitting with that half-blood, Tracey something.

"Oh, Robyn!" Astoria called out, causing the entire compartment to turn to see her standing beside Draco at the door. "Come sit beside me!" the lively brunette said while shoving Daphne away from her. This, in turn, led to Daphne turning pink as she collapsed into Lloyd's side, who only frowned and moved her off him.

"S-sorry!" Daphne squeaked ineloquently, which was unlike her usual self. She tended to be the most put-together of them all. Lloyd huffed in response which caused Daphne to blush even darker. She turned, then, to her sister and seethed, "I'll murder you, you little rat!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Pansy chanted. Crabbe and Goyle joined in quickly as the Greengrass sisters began slapping at each other wherever they could. Theo and Blaise were grinning as they took in the scene. Robyn turned to Draco with a faux haughty look and said,

"You know, I'm not sure I want to sit in here with you reprobates."

He scoffed. "Reprobates?" She simply stared at him in response, as if to say, 'well, aren't you going to do something about it?' He acted quickly.

"All right! Enough of this nonsense!" Everyone had gone silent as Draco commanded the room. "Astoria, go sit in the corner," he gestured to the seat beside Crabbe.

Astoria pulled a face and was about to protest, probably something along the lines of, 'Don't tell me what to do!' when Daphne suddenly cut in.

"No, Astoria, go find your own compartment. In fact, find your own friends and leave us alone!" Daphne then turned to Robyn and said sweetly, "Robyn, you can stay, of course."

"No." Lloyd was talking now. "Robyn will be leaving. She needs to meet people in her own year, can't hang around my friends all the time." Robyn didn't disagree with that, but she still thought it rather a rude thing to say.

"Robyn can stay, Tori can leave," Daphne insisted. Robyn looked to Astoria whose face had turned bright pink the same way Daphne's had earlier. She felt bad for the girl; Astoria may enjoy irritating Daphne, but she also idolised her and always wanted to follow her around. Robyn felt the same way about her own sister sometimes.

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