Chapter 116

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robyn's world tour! i think this is actually the longest chapter yet

CW: lots of mentions of t*rture


January. February. March. Arguably the worst months of the year. What was there to enjoy?

January: it was cold and dull all the time, and yet on the few days the skies were clear, it somehow made it even colder. Robyn wasn't sure about the "science" behind that but she'd argue it either way. It was December without the Yule cheer and colourful lights and anticipation of the holidays. It was back to school. It was... her birth month?

Fantastic. She'd lived to see her seventeenth birthday after all. She was rewarded with no longer being hindered by the trace (she wasn't sure she'd had that on her for years) and Apparition lessons (she already knew how to Apparate).

Oh. And she could legally buy alcohol. She might have to take advantage of that one.

February: January part two, plus Valentine's Day. But Valentine's Day was not fun when your girlfriend was on the run trying to save the world from a megalomaniac after you were violently separated, and while you were stuck in a school where students were constantly being beaten, chained up, and/or tortured.

At least it was shorter than the other months.





"It's horrible, Robyn!" Olivia exclaimed shrilly when she and Willow met up with Robyn in a deserted seventh floor corridor. Robyn stared out the window. The sky was clear. It was freezing outside and in. Dementors roamed the grounds. Jinx purred happily in her lap.

Olivia was pacing back and forth, wringing her hands together anxiously. Willow watched her.

"Hm?" Robyn said absently.

"Muggle Britain has been sustaining awful Death Eater attacks! They're murdering Muggles in their homes!"

"I know they are."

"Mum and Dad have been trying to protect them, you know, casting protection spells and... stuff - I don't understand all that," Olivia went on as if Robyn hadn't said a word, still pacing, still wringing her hands. "Dad had to heal so many Muggles over the holidays - the Christmas holidays, which are for family and- and joy!" She paused her pacing. "It's brilliant of Mum and Dad, really. I'm proud to be their daughter. But now that school's back, Mum's doing it on her own. I'm really worried she'll, well..." she trailed off, glancing at Willow. Willow's gaze fell to the corridor floor.

Robyn continued staring out the window. She wasn't going to tell Olivia her mother would be okay: she wouldn't be if she kept at it the way she was - helping Muggles, and–

"I actually, er- I told her not to put up the signs, but she's really passionate about supporting Harry. Which is good! But..."

"But..." Willow said leadingly.

"Well, you know how dangerous it is... you know what happened to Luna because of her father..."

"You don't think something similar will happen to you, do you?" Willow asked sharply, and Olivia gulped.

"Luna's dad was publicising it in a popular magazine, my mum's only putting up signs outside the shop in Whimsic Alley–"

"And protecting Muggles."

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