Chapter 111 [REAL] [NOT CLICKBAIT]

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here's 10,000 words of i don't even know. just stuff and things. enjoy🤪


Robyn stood up hastily on shaky legs, pretending nothing at all had happened – like she hadn't just randomly fallen to her knees for absolutely no reason. Except, of course, it wasn't for no reason – Hermione Granger had just sent her a message; better yet, Hermione Granger had just sent her a message saying she missed her!

But the others didn't know that. And they didn't need to.

"Yeh all righ' there, Rosier?" Hagrid asked sceptically, to which, of course, the rest of them turned to stare at her with varying expressions on their faces. Astrid was frowning slightly as she laughed. Ginny's face was judgemental, while Luna's was not (but then again, Luna's face was never judgemental), and Neville, finally, looked worried – perhaps that she'd been alerted to a werewolf or something equally concerning.

But it wasn't a werewolf. The only thing she was worried about in that moment was Hermione Granger. Hermione Granger, who missed her.

"Fine," she breathed, barely able to believe that the words on her bracelet were really there. That they were really...real.

"Do you randomly fall to your knees often?" Astrid queried, amused.

When Robyn didn't answer, too busy staring down at her wrist in disbelief and tentative happiness, Luna spoke up, "If she did it often, would it really be random?"

"Yes?" Astrid shrugged, side-eyeing Luna.

"Might 'often' imply a pattern? A regularity?"

"Not necessarily. That's why I said 'randomly', right?" argued Astrid, looking around the others for support which she did not receive.

"I agree with Luna," Ginny supplied quite apathetically, and Robyn knew she was only siding with the girl because she fancied her. Astrid tutted and opened her mouth to argue, but Ginny continued, "The real question is, why is Rosier randomly falling to her knees in the forest?"

"Did you see a werewolf?" Neville blurted, like he could no longer hold it in.

To be honest, their stupid little conversation about Robyn falling over was barely heard by the girl herself, because her ears were ringing, still, and her heart was pounding, still, and her body was trembling, still, but – for once – in a good way. She was – dare she say it – happy. Tentatively so, but happy, nonetheless. Because Hermione missed her. Hermione was thinking about her. Hermione didn't hate her. Hermione missed her!

After the whole letting the Death Eaters into the castle thing, and also, like, being a Death Eater or whatever, and the - as Robyn theorised - Obliviate thing...well, Robyn wasn't sure how Hermione felt about her.

But now she knew: Hermione missed her.

Hermione missed her!

Oh, right. Neville had asked her a question.

"What? Er, no. scared by a bug," she stuttered her way through the lame explanation, forcing herself to look away from the monumental words decorating her wrist. Merlin, those words. She knew already that for the next...foreseeable, she'd be spending far too long just staring at them. She'd imagine Hermione's voice saying them over and over again, in a whisper or a shout or a mumble or a cry. She'd imagine Hermione's face as she said it; twisted in unhappiness, or, on the contrary, lit up with a smile, her brown eyes shining in the sunlight or the lowlight or the moonlight – whatever Robyn's imagination would come up with.

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