Chapter Eighty-Five

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CW: very much discussions of grooming and inappropriate shit


Not too long had gone by when Olivia stormed into the common room and straight to the dorm with Lana trailing after her looking really quite stressed. Robyn immediately shut her book, barely glanced at Astrid, and followed the two girls to their shared room.

She was met with a red-faced Olivia sitting on her bed with Lana beside her, who still looked stressed. Bonnie was in Olivia's lap, trying to lick the girl's face,

"What happened?" Robyn asked quietly, taking the seat on the other side of Olivia and wrapping her arm around her shoulders comfortingly. Olivia cried pretty easily, but this seemed like she was genuinely upset about something. It had to be something Chester had done, Robyn couldn't think of what else it could be.

"Chester!" Olivia cried, and Robyn nodded knowingly. "He's just so- so- infuriating, sometimes! I like him, but- ugh!" she groaned, throwing her hands over her face. Behind her back, Robyn looked at Lana, who made a sad face.

"Did he say something?"

Olivia groaned again, so Lana took over. "We were in Madam Puddifoot's, and Harry was there with Cho, and she started crying and stuff – about Cedric, I think," she cringed, and Robyn looked away with a frown. "Chester made a comment about Cedric's death being...well, an accident, which led to more comments about how Harry's barking, and that You-Know-Who can't really be back, and...yeah, then he had a go at Liv. Didn't end well."

Robyn felt a wave of anger and resentment flow through her, both at Chester's inability to use his brain (wasn't that kind of what Ravenclaws were known for? Come on) and that he had ruined what was supposed to be a nice date with one of the best girls Robyn knew. Plus, he hadn't only ruined the day for Olivia, but for Lana and Umar, too.

"Dickhead," she swore. "You're so much better than him, Livvy. Seriously. He's an idiot if he thinks it's okay to have a go at you; you could have anyone. You might as well be doing charity, going out with him. He's not even that fit."

"He is, though," Olivia whined. "That's why it's so shite."

Robyn sighed, "Okay, he is. But you're way fitter. And you have a brain, so..." she trailed off, not exactly wanting to outright tell Olivia to break up with the boy, but...

"I know, I know," Olivia heaved a defeated breath, "I should've dumped him as soon as he was off with you. I'm sorry."

But Robyn shook her head, "This isn't about me. I'm sorry, I know you like him; it must be really hard..."

"Yeah," Olivia sniffed and fanned her red face, "yeah...well, I'm glad you had a good time, Lana," she offered a half-hearted smile and leaned heavily against the other girl.

"Did you?" Robyn asked, genuine smile taking over her face. It wasn't surprising – Umar was actually decent. They often did Astronomy homework together.

Lana shrugged casually, but couldn't stop her cheeks from turning pink. "Yeah, he's really nice."

"You love him," Olivia teased, poking Lana's side, "I bet you've named your future kids already."

"I have not!" Lana denied, cheeks blazing red at this point, and Olivia kept teasing her, and Robyn was just glad that Olivia was distracted, now, and she was also glad that Lana had had a good time.

Later on when Willow demanded that they have a girls' night, Robyn had to come up with an excuse as to why she couldn't join them. As much as she wanted to, she had already spent the late afternoon with Olivia and Lana, whereas she had spent zero time with Hermione – and it was Valentine's Day – that was just not right at all.

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