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Akutagawa's Pov:

Sitting down in the lounge of the Port Mafia i closed my eyes and drifted into my thoughts. 'How do I tell that stupid tiger how I feel. This is sucks' my head started to flood with aggravating thoughts from possible scenarios and the possible outcomes. Becoming more stressed I let out a sigh of aggravation. "UGHH WHY IS THIS SO HARD!!!" I yelled unaware that I wasn't alone.
"Oi', WHAT'S SO HARD?!?!" I look up to see a read head looking down apon me.

Out of embarrassment I cover my face with my hands. "Nothing, I'm fine" I say in a low mumble.

"Is it about Atsushi?" The red head asked as he sat down beside me.
I felt my face heat up with the mention of his name. I paused for a minute before responding "How did you know? Am I that obvious?" I said looking up at a smirking chuuya. "Ah yes young love. Reminds me of when I was in love." He said totally avoiding my question.
After he said that an idea popped up. "Chuuya, since you've been in this situation before-" feeling more embarrassed by what I was about to say I hid my face. "-could you give me some advice?". Chuuya then surprisingly responded rather quickly. "Sure I can little Akutagawa, What do you need to know?" He said now with an interested look on his face.

"I...ummmm. H-How do I confess t-to him?" I say stuttering on my words. Chuuya paused for a moment before responding with "Well my partner did it by giving random romantic things. Such as flowers and love letters." I saw a light blush go to his face. 'Most likely remembering what his partner did. I guess I should try that'.
After thanking chuuya I left quickly.

[ time skip brought to you by Dazai's un-paid tab]

After changing into my casual clothes I left to go out to the flower shop before it closed. When I arrived I looked at all the options and suddenly my attention was caught by a certain Grey haired male. In a rush ran out the store and hid in an alley waiting for him to leave.

Atsushi's Pov: I decided to listen to Dazai's advice and buy flowers for my crush. When I arrived I realized that I didn't know what my crush liked. After browsing for a few minutes my eyes settled on a clear vase filled with red cardinals and black roses. After purchasing it walked out the shop with a bright smile. 'I hope Akutagawa likes this' I thought as I walked away.

Akutagawa's Pov:

After seeing the tiger leave with flowers I walked into the store and continued to look around. The flower arrangement that caught my attention was a white vase with light purple dwarf iris and white lily's. The dwarf irises reminded me of his purple and yellow eyes, as for the white lily's they symbolize that my love is pure.

After purchasing the flowers I headed over to the ADA. Before entering I made sure it was after hours so I wouldn't be spotted. After I was sure the cost was clear I entered the café and started towards the stairs leading to the ADA' office area. One thing that I thought was weird was the fact that all the doors were unlocked. Thats not 'Important right now' I thought as I made my way to the tigers desk and set the vase holding the carefully selected flowers down, and leaving a note that said "these reminded me of you -Akutagawa". I then left the office with a slight blush from what I had just done.

[Time skip brought to you by chuuya's Fedora collection]

Atsushi's Pov:

After waking up and getting dressed I decided to head to the ADA. As I was on my way a rush of panic hit me, 'what if Akutagawa doesn't like flowers? What If he gets mad because of them? What if I was caught breaking into the Port Mafia?'. Pushing these ideas aside I continued my walk to the ADA. After opening the door I instantly felt everyone's eyes on me.

"H-H-Hey guys wh-what's u-up?" I say stuttering on my words. As the silence grew Dazai pointed to my desk. 'Am I being fired? Did I do something wrong?' These thoughts were instantly pushed aside when I see the flowers on my desk. Instantly I became flustered from being left a gift. My blush only doubled when I red the note. "From A-A-Akutagawa" I said out loud.
When I looked up at evreybody I saw they all had shocked faces. Then the awkward silence was broken by a ringing coming from Dazai calling someone over the phone. Still quiet evreybody look at dazai with a face that said 'WHAT THE HECK AKUTAGAWA ON FROM THE PORT MAFIA HAS A CRUSH ON ATSUSHI WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS'.

After the ringing had stopped, and the person on the other side of the phone answered. Dazai then looked directly in my eyes with a smile appearing on his face. Confused I kept my eyes on him. Dazai energetically said to the phone "CHUUYA!!! I WIN THE BET~~~".

The ADA just stared back and forth from me to dazai.

No one's Pov:
Suddenly something crashed threw the window. As evreybody stayed there in shock the dust then cleared to show two men, one of them being dragged by the other that was wearing a Fedora and seemed surprisingly short.
The shorter male then threw the tall one that he was dragging in front of Dazai.
"SEE I WIN THE BET ATSUSHI MADE AKUTAGAWA A BLUSHING MESS!!" The short male said pointing to the male laying on the floor.
Earning a shocked face from everybody in the room.
"Wait you bet on us!?!?" Atsushi said in surprise as he went to help Akutagawa, who ways laying on the ground hiding his face in embarrassment.
"I mean duh" Dazai replied walking towards chuuya.
"Yeah it's been obvious that ya'll liked each other" chuuya said with an eye role while attempting to kick Dazai in the face.
"HUH????"  The whole ADA said at the same time.

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