•♤children pt 2♤•

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Wow I did not expect anyone to like that story lol but here's the long awaited part 2

My God this feels cringy to write

As atsushi ran to where he was directed, he kept thinking about what he would say when he arrived. What would he tell both the siblings? 'Hey I'm actually not dead and came to find you' nope.

Upon entry one of the first things he was greeted with was what looked to be met in black rejects with guns... BUT THAT DIDNT STOP THIS MF. He instead was able to tap into his ability. And use the tiger speed to quickly get that over with. Though despite being shot he kept a good pace.

Later he finished searching the rooms blood rushing out of his body as he made it to the top floor. The elevator rang and as soon as he saw it he knew.

Instantly the boy bounced on his friend. Gasping for air as he held on tightly. Afraid is he were to let go he would lose thean one again. Suddenly be begain to sob, holding on tighter to the man.

"I finally found you" he said gasping between sobs.

"Atsushi?" The other question, looking down at the lad, then back at his newly received file. Instantly dropping it to hug the man back.

"Well it seems you don't need to go on that mission after all" a voice from being said.

"What?" Akutagawa turned to face whoever just said that.

"To capture the man tiger."

"What man tiger?" Akutagawa questioned once more. At this time atsushi was already passed out from the loss of blood and how tired he was. This time akutagawa looked at the file he was previously handed.

"What!? I'm not handing him over! I just got him back!!" Akutagawa said defensively, tightening his arms around atushi. Rashomon rising from his coat.

"Haha" mori quietly laughed in amusement.

If there is anything yall want me to add. I will just let me know. Thank you for reading this far. I really do appreciate you all for getting me this far and giving me motivation to keep wrighting!!!!

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