○♡■Our taste in Music■♡○

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Higuchi's Pov:

'I wonder what kind of music akutagawa senpai listens to? Especially when he's doing paper work.' I thought to myself apon aproching his office.'Mabey it's classical, given the way that he dresses it's only natural that his tast in music is the same'. Not wanting to disturb him, I slowly open the door and peek my head through.

'Dang it, he has headphones in!' Was all I thought as I approached his desk to hand him the papers. 'Seems he hasn't noticed me yet' that was until I set the papers down on his desk. Akutagawa took out his head phones and instantly the music once blasting in his ears filled to room. One of the lines I could make out before I was hurried out by the man in question was "call me by your name". 'Ooooo I'll find that song and listen to in! THEN WE CAN FINALY HAVE A CONVERSATION ABOUT IT!' I gushed at the thought of having an actual conversation with my senpai.

[Some time later higuchi did indeed find the song. Aswell as the music video. And guess what she clicked on, the video. Needless to say she didn't have a conversation with him about that song.]

Akutagawa's Pov:

Mori called me into hiss office for a task, probably about paper work. Honestly this walk might take some time considering this maze layout. Eh whatever.

And with that I put my headphones on and started down the hallway, while humming along with the lyrics.
Pretty soon that hum turned into a mumble, and that mumble turned in quietly singing. Being to distracted by the songs I payed no attention to my surroundings, nor the people in them.

"Cuse it's not romantic I swear,
I'm not gasping for a-a-a-air." I sung along, passing by few people that I knew, one of which was tachihara. That fool looked utterly confused.

"I want you to be hear." I faint image of a boy with purple and yellow eyes flash in my head.

"But please don't come near!" I sung, A bit louder this time. My voice echoed on the walls, as it would be apparent to anyone else on this floor that I was singing.

"Because even tho I'm pretty sure my heads exploding, I'm not ready for hand holding!" I the bosses door was just up ahead.

"It's not love I swear it's more like despair" a sung the last word of that verse a bit quieter. Letting out a sigh I put my headphones around my neck and opend mori's door.

"Never knew you liked music?" Mori said as he looked at my headphones.

"Not really I just thought they looked nice" FUCK WHY AM I LIENG THROUGH MY TEATH!?

"Oh poor Akutagawa, you do know we have cameras and mic's placed all around the building right?"


"Music's not the reason I called you here, I actually needed you to file some reports." He then snapped and a guy came forward, handing me a stack of papers. This is gonna take forever.

"Yes sir." I said then went to do my work.

As I walked down the hall a faint growl from my stomach was heard.

"Sounds like someone is hungry, you should do your work in the cafeteria so you can eat and work." Looking over to my side I see a small red head. 'HOW DID I NOT SEE HIM BEFORE! I KNEW HE WAS SHORT BUT NOT BY THAT MUCH!'

"Sure that would be logical." I gave a short answer and made my way to the cafeteria. Apon seeing the entry, I put my reports on a table and went to go get food.

[After getting food and sitting down]

*ring* *ring ring* *RING RING RING MOTHER FUCKING AKUTAGAWA I KNOW YOUR THEIR* ah yes, the ring tone jinko set for my phone. Great now I have attention. I reached out for my phone and answered it.

"What jinko?" I said agitated with my work.

"Heyyyyy akutagawa?"

"What?" I said yet again. Frustration obvious in my tone.

"How do you respond to these words?"

"Go on!" I raised my voice.

"OK ok ok..... EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR AMERICAS FAVORITE FIGHTING FRENCH MAN!" before I could control myself, I reacted.


I'm takin' this horse by the reins makin'
Redcoats redder with bloodstains
And I'm never gonna stop until I make 'em
Drop and burn 'em up and scatter their remains, I'm
Watch me engagin' em! Escapin' em!
Enragin' em! I'm-
I go to France for more funds
I come back with more guns" I spat out from an auto reaction. What? Can you blame me? It's a good song.

"And ships" he continued the song with amusement.

"And so the balance shifts" I said choking down a cough.

"We rendezvous with Rochambeau, consolidate their gifts" jinko said, adding a fake accent.

"We can end this war at Yorktown, cut them off at sea, but"

"For this to succeed, there is someone else we need"

"I know"

"Hamilton!" We both shouted in unison.

The cough I was holding in then decided to come out. That's when I got back into my right mind and looked around. When I walked into the cafeteria the only ones I saw where tachihara, gin, and 3 extras.

Now gin had her phone out, tachihara just stared, and there where now 7 extras. 'God damn it jinko' I cursed in my mind.

"What!?" I spat at them, the venom apparent in my voice. I then looked back over to my phone, only to see that jinko hung up.

"Never thought he was a theater person" I mumbled to myself as I grabbed my stack of papers and left. Completely disregarding the others.


"Look Elise!" I said pointing to the cafeteria camera for her to see the singing akutagawa.

Meanwhile at the agency:

"Wow atsushi you actually got akutagawa to do it!?" Dazai said astonished.

"Wait- that was akutagawa?" Kyouka question.

"Of course!" I'm not really surprised, Akutagawa gave off mad theater kid vibes, so it didn't come as a shock to me.

THE END I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER!! (not me making this while being stared at by a bunch of judgemental parents lmao)

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