♧◇● beast AU•◇♧

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In case yall haven't read beast, basically odasaku is alive and instead of dazai finding atsushi, oda finds akutagawa and basically adopt him blah blah go read it on manga go if you want a run down.

No ones pov:

'Shit shit shit' akutagawa thought to himself as he ran down the hallways and eventually landed at his destination, the auditorium.

[Previously, aka 30 minutes ago]

"Yes oda?" Akutagawa asked as he answered the phone.

"I forgot to tell you but, kousuke's performance is today, I can't make it so you will have to as the 'big brother'." Oda said through the phone.

"Ok what time is it?" Akutagawa asked.

"In like 30 minutes. Good luck" and with that oda hung up. What. WHY DIDNT HE SAY ANYTHING SOONER!? I gotta go! And fast! Akutagawa thought to himself and started to sprint down the sidewalk to the school.

[Present time]

I burst through the double doors right before the performance and looked over to his 'little brother' and he visibly sighed in relief. For some reason though, when akutagawa was spotted by the other kids on the stage they happen to put to and to together and tease kousuke about it.

"So who's the emo? Finally got a dad?" One of them mocked. 'Excuse me!?' Akutagawa thought to himself.

"Yeah he looks like a fag!" 'Ok I swear to God, if these kids say one more thing about kousuke it's not going to end well' akutagawa thought to himself as he walked over to a seat. Unaware of the shadow that followed him.

"Hey if little kou's dad's a fag, doesn't that make him one too?" Akutagawa was taken aback and some gasps where heard among the crowd of parents. Akutagawa was about to let it slide until one of them tried to land a punch on his 'brother'. Akutagawa used his ability to restrain the hostile 13 year old, and ran on the stage to kousuke.

"Big brother!" Kousuke said jumping onto the older one.

"Don't play innocent, now hand it over!" Confusion filled the room, whispers could be heard among the parents.

"No I spent my money on it!" Kousuke said in defiance.

"Listen I had no problem snapping the last gun you bought, now hand. It. Over." Akutagawa said sternly.

"This wimp? Have a gun? You don't make any sense fag!" The child said toward Akutagawa. Disregarding the fact that Akutagawa still had him restrained.

"I've had enough of you!" And with that Akutagawa tightened his abilities grip on the child.

"AKUTAGAWA!" the Previously mentioned shadow yelled and tackled the other adult orphan.


"Stop! Your standing on a stage filled with a bunch of non-orphan kids and their parents, about to kill someone half your age!" A certain Grey haired male yelled at him. Suddenly the staff went over the intercoms.

"You might be?" The speaker projected through the auditorium. At this point the guests where treating this like some sort of drama performance.

"He's the white reap-" Akutagawa was cut of by a hand being shoved in his mouth.

"I'm his boyfriend!" Atsushi said. That left akutagawa, kousuke, and the other 14 orphans in the auditorium in shock.

"I apologize for the bad timing but may I have a word with my 'brother'" Akutagawa asked the staff. And of course out of feat they agreed.

"Now listen here, I know you have another gun hand it over now before you go back on the street!" Akutagawa said clutching onto kousuke's shirt. It was an empty threat, despite what is seems he actually cares about the other orphans. But taking his gun was akutagawas main way of keeping the boy safe. Kousuke reluctantly handed the gun over. And once again the room filled with panic.

"Now listen, you would be an awesome chef. That western style meal you made was absolutely amazing, unlike anything I have ever tasted before. So why do you insist on being a fighter?" Akutagawa said, setting kousuke back down. "God what kinda brother would I be if I couldn't even protect you." Akutagawa sighed to himself. And started to walk down the stage with atsushi clutching his arm, what!? They had to make the whole boyfriend performance believable!

"Fo what it's worth, I think your a pretty cool kick-ass big brother!" Kousuke shouted. Akutagawa gave a slight chuckle before replying.

"Thanks but don't use that language." And akutagawa and atsushi said back in the audience and watched the performance. (How do these ppl just act like nothing happend!?)

[During the show cuz the bsd characters are definitely theater kids]

They knew it was an act but for some reason atsushi and akutagawa got progressively closer together.

Throughout the play the two started to get progressively more tired, until atsushi felt a shift from beside him and looked over. His gaze was met with a sleeping akutagawa that was laying his head of the tigers shoulder (with the fluffy hood). He hesitated for a second before ultimately deciding not to make the sleeping one uo, and to just stay like that the rest of the time.

Somebody had entered the auditorium but atsushi didn't care enough to move and risk waking the man up. A small shuffle was heard as the person made their way to a seat 2 rows behind the pair.

"That's gay." The man said. While a flash went off behind them.
Suddenly akutagawas phone buzzed and he lazily picked it up, still tired, to read the screen.

'That's gay' odasaku texted along with a picture of the two.

(It's so bad I'm so sorry 😭)

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