~○A Birthday●~

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Atsushi's Pov:

"You know having to do work on a 1st of any month should be illegal" I said with a sigh of frustration. That was until I heard a buzz from my pocket. That sound was music to my ears. Yes my boredom would be cured. Then I reached for my phone to see who texted me.

Rich rich Fedora bitch: yo broke bro you do know that it's coughing non stops birthday today right

Broke tiger boi: wait REALLY!?!?

rich rich Fedora bitch: yeah its March 1st, also you were invited. There are plus ones allowed but I think it's best for you to come alone ;)

Broke tiger bro: wait what's that supposed to mean :(

Rich rich Fedora bitch: you seriously don't know God your so dense. Whatever just bring a present he likes tea and you

Broke tiger boi: HUH!?

Rich rich Fedora bitch: auto correct stupid

Broke tiger boi: oh ok well sent the address and time and I'll be there

Rich rich Fedora bitch: ok well its ******** at 7pm and don't bring that god damn walking mummy got it you ass

Broke tiger boi: ill try not to bitch see ya there byeeeeeee

I looked at my phone and smiled. To bad for me this alerted SOMEOME of my happy mode thus they decided to pry at it.

Later I had to use the restroom thus resulting in me leaving my phone on the table.

When I got back I noticed none other than dazai snooping threw my phone. Before I could snatch it away he asks me one dreaded question."HEY ATSUSHI WHO IS RICH RICH FEDORA BITCH?" He yells.

God he said that so loud the entire building heard. And his actions caused all the other ADA members to look at me. My response was something I shouldn't have said. "Well who do you know that always has a Fedora on and is my best bitch?" I said in a kind of rued voice. What? the man went threw my phone how am I supposed to react? Like Oh yeah I'm best friends with a Port mafia executive. No way.

"ATSUSHI that tone and vocabulary is not going to be tolerated I need you to stop!" Kunikida said.

Then Dazai used his deduction skills to figure out who it is. "Well he has a Fedora and is your best bitch. I only know of one man with a Fedora, but I honestly doubt you being 'best bitches' he referred to me as a walking mummy. That means one thing you and chuuya are friends." He let out a surprised gasp at the last part.

If they weren't already all eyes on me now. To top it all of dazai was figuring out who coughing non stop was "let me guess coughing non stop if Akutagawa?" Now the whole room looked at me shocked. You see the ADA and Port mafia still aren't on good terms so it was a surprise when one of the 'sunshine kids' was best friends with an angry red head in a Fedora.

I answered with a yes and ran out saying I needed to buy something.

[Time skip to at the mall provide by all the empty tea on rice bowls atsushi piles up]

"Well Atsushi what tea shop do you want to go to first" dazai said. Just don't ask how he found me, I don't even know myself. "Well do you know what he likes. Sence you came along you must have a good idea. If you don't then go home." I bluntly stated.

Dazai ended up tagging along because he apparently knew akutagawa's favorite store, or something. Honestly the trip to the shop was going smoothly. That was until we got inside.

As soon as we enterd the door my head was meet with a certain blonde lady's gun. "Hello higuchi-san." I say with a normal and bright smile. Before I gave her time to respond a specific person caught my attention. And it was none other that the dark lord himself Mr. Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

Man chapters are so hard to do. There will be a part two to this lol

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