♤■•♧ short ♧•■♤

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Okay, so I'm sorry I'm really saying to post content, but I have to focus on academics and am about to fail one of my classes. I'll try harder to post, though
Btw suggestive stuff

3 person pov

"Ok just got to sneak out quietly."

"Ah" Akutagawa winced in pain. His shirt hanging loosely on his neck, revealing his collar bone and the marks left on him. Akutagawa was holding his jacket in his hand. And closed the door behind

"Damn it! I told him I had work in the morning-  what the fuck." He said, finally looking up.

Tachihara pov

We didn't really much, but I did manage to leave tanizaki with some bite mares and such. Which I am very proud of hes probably proud of the very apparent marks he left on me too. I exited his room and saw the last thing I had ever wanted to see in my entire life after 'mingling' with the 'enime'.

"I'm sorry, what!?"

Chuuyas pov:

Did that man really have to scratch my back to!? His stings, God damn it!! Worst day to wear a tank top.

"I swear to God dazai next time I won't play nice!" I yelled to him while I exited the room.

"Bitch what!?" I said in utter shock.

No ones pov

"Chuuya~" dazai said, joining him outside the house, barely anything covering him as he draped his arms around chuuyas neck and shoulders.

"Alsmot forgot your hat-" he looked up "Well this is a surprise" dazai said, acknowledging the other two men staring at them.

"Babe don't forget this." Atsushi said running out of his apartment with akutagawas cravat. He, unlike dazai, actually had pants on and didn't just have a blanket draped around him. But his upper body still visible with the burn marks on his left rib cage and the scratches on his back.

"Shit" the tiger cursed to himself.

"Oh, hey, atsushi!"dazai said enthusiastically.

"Isn't that tanizaki's room?" Atsushi questioned the taller redhead. He walked over to the man outside of his coworkers house.

"I just want to let you know that tanizaki is my best friend. If you hurt him, you die."  Atsushi said, smiling.
He then tuned back around and walked back to his emo boyfriend.

"Here you go and don't be late." Atsushi said, handing him his cravat and giving him a quick b
Peck on the lips. Dazai had already gone back inside.

"Let's never speak of this again."



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