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Akutagawa's pov:

"I'm sorry but whAT THE FUCK!?" I said looking over the the black haird kid with uneven bangs.

"Hey nice to meet you I'm Atsushi Nakajima." He said with a satanic grin.

"Might I say you quite remind me of someone one, what's your name?"

The so called atsushi then hit his fist on his hand like he was playing rock paper scissors.

"Now I've got it! We must be from different universes!" He said and began to snake his way around me.

"Like I would believe that shit." I said prying him away. He did look like atsushi though, the un even bangs, two toned eyes, and the outfit. Almost evrey thing matched except the personality and color scheme.

"Atsushi would never be this clinging."

"And Akutagawa wouldn't be this courageous." He sneared.

"Cat kitty cat cat kitty cat cat" my phone went off, that ring tone could ony mean one thing

"Yes jinko?"

"Hey akutagawa, by any chance do you happen to have a secret twin that I didn't know about?"

"Funny, I was just about to ask you the same thing."


"Lets just meet in the p.m. lobby, I don't feel 'comfortable' bringing this 'thing' outside." I said hanging up the phone and looking over to the alt jinko attempting to wrap his arms around me.

"I swear to GOD if you don't remove your hands you Will lose them. Now follow me to the lobby before I kill you." And with that we begain to walk down the labyrinth of halls. Though got some reason my threats weren't enough to keep him form getting to close to me and doing things that could be considered harassment.

"I told you to stop, you brought this apon your self, RASHOMON!" and with that I tied his hands and arms down right by his torso, to insure he could still walk.

"Kinky." He said. And with that I reluctantly let him go. The blush on my face making me reder than chuuyas hair.

"We are here." I said, temporarily filling the void of everlasting silence between us. We made our way over to the seating area to wait for my 'twin'. Everything was going kinda fine? Until the damn fool started singing.

"Oohohhhhhh I'm gonna love you sooooooOooooo." He made eye contact with me, for some reason he was sitting upside-down.

"You'll learn what I already know!" And with that the dark jinko started to sit up straight and get closer.

"I love you means your never getting rid of me!" He said gripping my chin and forcing me to face him. Why does this damn tiger sound so possessive.

Moment of realization

"heY GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!" I yelled, why is this tiger like this. The other would cower at my every move.

[As promised atsushi's pov during his individual interactions.]

Atsushi's pov:

"Uhm who are you?" I asked sheepishly sitting down at the café.

"Uh akutagawa, who might you be?" He asked with a slight smile- wait did he say akutagawa!?

"Atsushi Nakajima." I said returning the slight smile. But after I spoke tge fear of god painted his face. He looked terrified.

"W-wait no way!" He said nervously.

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