~○A Birthday pt 2●~

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Atsushi's Pov:

He seemed to have taken an interest in a antique tea set.
Lookin like this:

Yep that's what I'm gonna get him

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Yep that's what I'm gonna get him. Along with tea of course.
"ARE YOU LISTENING" the annoying blong girl asked. "Nope only thinking of ways to date your senpai" I said smirking. Ok that was not well thought out for two reasons.

#1 akutagawa was walking our way (most likely to collect higuchi-san)

#2 Dazai and higuchi were right there and heard me.

"What the hell are you doing here." Akutagawa said. "Yeahhhhh atsushi what are we doing here?" Dazai said as if he didn't know.
"We are getting a gift for someone" I said looking down in embarrassment. Did he hear me? I thought to myself. "Whatever" Akutagawa said before leaving.

Man ok. Is what I thought as I made my way over to the tea set akutagawa was previously looking at. "SWEET JESUS" I said looking at the price. Hmmmmmmm what did chuuya teach me again. Oh yeah if I ever need money to pick pocket dazai. Man chuuya is smart.

[Time skip to before entering the party brought to you by my atsushi cosplay that blew up]

Oh god why am I so nervous. I thought as I reached the entrance. Ok ok calm down ill just try to find chuuya and not talk to a lot of people. "You got this" I whispered to myself as I opened the door. As soon as I did I felt one single pair of stone cold eyes on me.

Welp I'm gonna die. I thought to myself as I walked over to chuuya. "Chuuya do you really think it was the best idea to bring me here". I said as I sat down the decorated box and myself right beside him. "Well you were invited so I don't see the problem." He stated quite bluntly.

"WOW thanks for not like I didn't know any of this before" I said very loud and sarcastically. Big mistake because that just made a few people stare at me in confusion and disbelief. They probably all thought 'what kind of detective dumbass would yell at an executive'. "Your lucky your my best friend" chuuya said with a snarl as he picked up a wine glass. "As are you" I said to him and bowed.

As I started walking and trying to find a place to put the gift, I still felt an uncomfortable set of eyes glaring daggers at me. Soon after (still feeling someone's cold stare) I went to find a seat.

You might be thinking 'why don't I sit by chuuya' well I know he's gonna get batshit drunk and I don't wanna be one of his rage victims when he does. Well back to the seat thing, I only really found one and it haplend to be right next to the person staring at me.

As I approached the seat I try my best to stay calm. "Heyo Akutagawa how are you?" I ask with a beaming smile. Ok for some reason I'm extremely happy. And I think he's a little tipsy, mainly because of the slight blush on his cheeks. "Hello jinko" he said as he went to down a shot. I decided that I'd just watch what goes on instead of participating. When I looked back over to akutagawa I saw like 13 shot glasses EMPTY in front of him.

At this moment it hit me 'FORGET CHUUYA BEING BATSHIT DRUNK WHAT ABOUT AKUTAGAWA' shit I'm screwed. "Akutagawa I'm just gonna head out. By the way the gift I got you is in the big black box." As I got up to leave I felt something tug at my tie. "Hey akutagawa could you let go I ne-" I was cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine.

Then the realization hit... AKUTAGAWA KISSED ME!?!?!? When we separated my eyes darted around the room only to see a bunch of P.M. members with there phones out. Including chuuya. Oh shit I'm dead, I thought to myself as I ran out. I took a glance back before actually going out the door only to see a passed out akutagawa. Then boom I ran faster than sonic showing you some real speed.

When I got home I was startled by a sudden message from chuuya. When I opened it I saw a photo from when akutagawa kissed me...

*image saved to phone*

Was the last thing I saw before dozing off to sleep.

A/n sup fuckers I'm not dead but if you have requests please say some thing I'm so boardddddd

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